Yan Jun
Charter Sonnet
I demand the abolition of the subway’s automatic ticket checking system, continuing manual ticket checking until the world ends;I demand that the whole of mankind have the right to vote for the president of the United States;
I demand an increase in birth control, the encouragement of same-sex marriage, and the imposition of fines on heterosexual marriage;
I demand the revision of constitutional law, deleting all semicolons and series commas;
I demand a ban on mahjong and KTV, the detainment of those who walk their dogs at 5 a.m., and the holding of regular poetry readings in police stations;
I demand the abolition of art and of changing one’s life;
I demand that salt be rubbed in wounds, that wine be poisoned, that a cold ass be pasted on every hot face;
I demand the erection of two amps the size of buildings and the holding of unattended noise concerts in scenic locales;
I demand that you and I be together, never to be separated;
I demand memories, black flowers, stars that shine above bicycles and turn into kids’ faces;
I demand the release of imprisoned words like “your mother’s cunt” and “Jiang Zemin”;
I demand demands, forbidden forbiddenments, annulled annulments, sneering sneers, and the tying up of the guy who’s always pouring out his heart;
I demand loud singing at the gates of hell and sleeping on the bus;
I demand that we maintain quiet . . .
© Translation: 2011, Ao Wang and Eleanor Goodman
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Ik eis afschaffing van automatische kaartcontrole in de metro, ik sta op handmatig kaartjesknippen tot het einde van de wereld;Ik eis dat de hele mensheid mag stemmen op de president van Amerika;
Ik eis het strenger maken van het recht van gezinsuitbreiding, ben voor homohuwelijken en het bestraffen van heterohuwelijken;
Ik eis wijziging van de wetgeving, de verwijdering van alle komma’s en dubbele punten;
Ik eis afschaffing van Mahjong en karaokebars, en arrestatie van degenen die om vijf uur ’s ochtends hun hond uitlaten, de invoering van poëzielezingen op het politiebureau op gezette tijden;
Ik eis afschaffing van kunst en verandering van leven;
Ik eis zout op de wonden, gif in de wijn en koude billen tegen een heet gezicht;
Ik eis de bouw van twee luidsprekers zo groot als flatgebouwen, ver weg tussen de groene bergen en de blauwe stroompjes, om een concert zonder publiek te houden;
Ik eis, jij en ik, samen, voor altijd bij elkaar;
Ik eis herinneringen, zwarte bloemknoppen, sterren schitterend op mijn fiets veranderen in de gezichten van jongeren;
Ik eis het vrijgeven van verboden woorden, zoals ‘Fuck’ en ‘Jiang Zemin’ (1);
Ik eis eisen, verbied verboden, annuleer opheffing, bespot ironie, ik eis ook dat die vent die uit verveling zijn hart uitstort vastgebonden wordt;
Ik eis een lied te zingen bij de ingang van de hel, en te slapen in de bus;
Ik eis het verbreken van de stilte, om de rust te behouden . . .
© Vertaling: 2011, Audrey Heijns
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
(1) Deze verboden woorden hebben ongetwijfeld met de censuur te maken vooral op het internet. Expletieven en namen van hoge officials worden op lijsten gezet en gecirculeerd.
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
© 2008, Yan Jun
Poems of Yan Jun
Charter Sonnet
I demand the abolition of the subway’s automatic ticket checking system, continuing manual ticket checking until the world ends;I demand that the whole of mankind have the right to vote for the president of the United States;
I demand an increase in birth control, the encouragement of same-sex marriage, and the imposition of fines on heterosexual marriage;
I demand the revision of constitutional law, deleting all semicolons and series commas;
I demand a ban on mahjong and KTV, the detainment of those who walk their dogs at 5 a.m., and the holding of regular poetry readings in police stations;
I demand the abolition of art and of changing one’s life;
I demand that salt be rubbed in wounds, that wine be poisoned, that a cold ass be pasted on every hot face;
I demand the erection of two amps the size of buildings and the holding of unattended noise concerts in scenic locales;
I demand that you and I be together, never to be separated;
I demand memories, black flowers, stars that shine above bicycles and turn into kids’ faces;
I demand the release of imprisoned words like “your mother’s cunt” and “Jiang Zemin”;
I demand demands, forbidden forbiddenments, annulled annulments, sneering sneers, and the tying up of the guy who’s always pouring out his heart;
I demand loud singing at the gates of hell and sleeping on the bus;
I demand that we maintain quiet . . .
© 2011, Ao Wang and Eleanor Goodman
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Charter Sonnet
I demand the abolition of the subway’s automatic ticket checking system, continuing manual ticket checking until the world ends;I demand that the whole of mankind have the right to vote for the president of the United States;
I demand an increase in birth control, the encouragement of same-sex marriage, and the imposition of fines on heterosexual marriage;
I demand the revision of constitutional law, deleting all semicolons and series commas;
I demand a ban on mahjong and KTV, the detainment of those who walk their dogs at 5 a.m., and the holding of regular poetry readings in police stations;
I demand the abolition of art and of changing one’s life;
I demand that salt be rubbed in wounds, that wine be poisoned, that a cold ass be pasted on every hot face;
I demand the erection of two amps the size of buildings and the holding of unattended noise concerts in scenic locales;
I demand that you and I be together, never to be separated;
I demand memories, black flowers, stars that shine above bicycles and turn into kids’ faces;
I demand the release of imprisoned words like “your mother’s cunt” and “Jiang Zemin”;
I demand demands, forbidden forbiddenments, annulled annulments, sneering sneers, and the tying up of the guy who’s always pouring out his heart;
I demand loud singing at the gates of hell and sleeping on the bus;
I demand that we maintain quiet . . .
© 2011, Ao Wang and Eleanor Goodman
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère