Poetry International Poetry International

Ali Abdolrezaei


On this side of the world	even if you had a living son
it would be a son on this side of the world
who went in the direction of the water that you spilt
behind the tears
Never mind!

Pointlessly, you walk across my mind
If you were here
you would no longer be the one over there
you would be like me over here
If I returned
I would no longer be the one over here
I would be like you over there
I no longer laugh
nor even go off
I only exercise my own loneliness
like now that I feel fine
and I imagine I am imaginatively alone Never mind!
On that side of the world even if I had a living mother
it would be a mother on that side of the world




On this side of the world	even if you had a living son
it would be a son on this side of the world
who went in the direction of the water that you spilt
behind the tears
Never mind!

Pointlessly, you walk across my mind
If you were here
you would no longer be the one over there
you would be like me over here
If I returned
I would no longer be the one over here
I would be like you over there
I no longer laugh
nor even go off
I only exercise my own loneliness
like now that I feel fine
and I imagine I am imaginatively alone Never mind!
On that side of the world even if I had a living mother
it would be a mother on that side of the world


On this side of the world	even if you had a living son
it would be a son on this side of the world
who went in the direction of the water that you spilt
behind the tears
Never mind!

Pointlessly, you walk across my mind
If you were here
you would no longer be the one over there
you would be like me over here
If I returned
I would no longer be the one over here
I would be like you over there
I no longer laugh
nor even go off
I only exercise my own loneliness
like now that I feel fine
and I imagine I am imaginatively alone Never mind!
On that side of the world even if I had a living mother
it would be a mother on that side of the world

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère