Poetry International Poetry International

Ali Abdolrezaei


I was brother to all walls in the world
and my wife a window with dusk in its panes
was tearing onions
with tears upon tears

Full stop.
Children! You get full marks for writing life in truth and lies . . .

At a juncture where neither the face of green becomes
nor the traffic warden has any act of kindness for
resident drivers
nor that magic lantern at the face of green and
amber . . .
to the woman who alone spoiled my married identity
Nevertheless what relevance
to the one indoors who went loose on the streets?

Try to write without lies, my son! But be careful not to make mistakes:
the rubber won’t always stop anywhere you want.

The one who writes a poem
always rubs out other poems
Poets! Stop writing hands up




I was brother to all walls in the world
and my wife a window with dusk in its panes
was tearing onions
with tears upon tears

Full stop.
Children! You get full marks for writing life in truth and lies . . .

At a juncture where neither the face of green becomes
nor the traffic warden has any act of kindness for
resident drivers
nor that magic lantern at the face of green and
amber . . .
to the woman who alone spoiled my married identity
Nevertheless what relevance
to the one indoors who went loose on the streets?

Try to write without lies, my son! But be careful not to make mistakes:
the rubber won’t always stop anywhere you want.

The one who writes a poem
always rubs out other poems
Poets! Stop writing hands up


I was brother to all walls in the world
and my wife a window with dusk in its panes
was tearing onions
with tears upon tears

Full stop.
Children! You get full marks for writing life in truth and lies . . .

At a juncture where neither the face of green becomes
nor the traffic warden has any act of kindness for
resident drivers
nor that magic lantern at the face of green and
amber . . .
to the woman who alone spoiled my married identity
Nevertheless what relevance
to the one indoors who went loose on the streets?

Try to write without lies, my son! But be careful not to make mistakes:
the rubber won’t always stop anywhere you want.

The one who writes a poem
always rubs out other poems
Poets! Stop writing hands up
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère