Valzhyna Mort
A Poem About White Apples
white apples, first apples of summer,with skin as delicate as a baby’s,
crispy like white winter snow.
your smell won’t let me sleep,
this is how dead men
haunt their murderers’ dreams.
white apples,
this is how every july the earth
gets heavier under your weight.
and here only garbage smells like garbage . . .
and here only tears taste like salt . . .
we were picking them
like shells in green ocean gardens,
having just turned away from mothers’ breasts
we were learning
to get to the core of everything with our teeth.
so why are our teeth like cotton wool now . . .
white apples,
in black waters, the fishermen,
nursed by you, are drowning.
© Translation: 2008, Valzhyna Mort, Franz Wright and Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press, , 2008
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press, , 2008
witte appels, de eerste appels van de zomermet een schil zo teer als een babyhuidje,
knapperig als de witte wintersneeuw.
jullie geur gunt mij geen rust,
zo kwellen de doden ’s nachts
de zielen van hun moordenaars.
witte appels,
zo wordt elke julimaand de aarde
zwaar onder jullie gewicht.
en hier ruikt alleen het vuilnis naar vuilnis...
en hier ruiken alleen tranen naar zout...
terwijl we jullie plukten,
als groene schelpen in de oceaan van de tuin,
leerden wij, pas losgekomen van de moederborst,
in alles met onze tanden
naar de kern te zoeken.
maar zie, onze tanden werden als watten...
witte appels,
in het zwarte water dreigen de vissers,
die zich ooit met jullie voedden, nu te verdrinken.
© Vertaling: 2009, Roel Schuyt
‘bely naliv’: een populair, vroeg appelras in de landen van de voormalige Sovjet-Unie, met een lichtgroene schil en wit vruchtvlees.
белыя яблыкі, першыя яблыкі лета,са скурай пяшчотнаю бы ў немаўляці,
хрусткія як белы зімовы сьнег.
ваш водар мне не дае спакою,
так па начах мерцьвякі
мучаць сваіх забойцаў.
белыя яблыкі,
так кожны ліпень зямля
цяжэе пад вашай вагай.
а тут толькі сьмецьце пахне як сьмецьце . . .
а тут толькі сьлёзы смакуюць як соль . . .
як мы зьбіралі вас,
нібы ракушкі зялёных садоў-акіянаў,
адарваўшыся ад матчыных грудзей,
ва ўсім шукаць сарцавіньне зубамі.
што ж нашыя зубы тут сталі як вата...
белыя яблыкі,
у чорнай вадзе рыбакі,
выкармленыя вамі, тонуць.
© 2008, Valzhyna Mort
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press,
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press,
Poems of Valzhyna Mort
A Poem About White Apples
white apples, first apples of summer,with skin as delicate as a baby’s,
crispy like white winter snow.
your smell won’t let me sleep,
this is how dead men
haunt their murderers’ dreams.
white apples,
this is how every july the earth
gets heavier under your weight.
and here only garbage smells like garbage . . .
and here only tears taste like salt . . .
we were picking them
like shells in green ocean gardens,
having just turned away from mothers’ breasts
we were learning
to get to the core of everything with our teeth.
so why are our teeth like cotton wool now . . .
white apples,
in black waters, the fishermen,
nursed by you, are drowning.
© 2008, Valzhyna Mort, Franz Wright and Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,
A Poem About White Apples
white apples, first apples of summer,with skin as delicate as a baby’s,
crispy like white winter snow.
your smell won’t let me sleep,
this is how dead men
haunt their murderers’ dreams.
white apples,
this is how every july the earth
gets heavier under your weight.
and here only garbage smells like garbage . . .
and here only tears taste like salt . . .
we were picking them
like shells in green ocean gardens,
having just turned away from mothers’ breasts
we were learning
to get to the core of everything with our teeth.
so why are our teeth like cotton wool now . . .
white apples,
in black waters, the fishermen,
nursed by you, are drowning.
© 2008, Valzhyna Mort, Franz Wright and Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère