Valzhyna Mort
In the Pose of a Question Mark
How hard it is to draw ourselves upfrom the pose of a question mark
into the pose of an exclamation.
The left labia of Poland and the right labia of Russia part
and our heads emerge out of . . .
By now we have sixteen names for snow –
it’s time to come up with sixteen names for darkness.
In the pose of a question mark –
with our whole bodies we call ourselves into question,
confirmed by a urine dot.
Is it really us calling into a question?
Or adolescence has just birthed
a rumpled beach towel.
So blunt were
the midwife’s scissors
which with time turned into
brightly-polished avenues
jointed by a military obelisk.
A tractor plant started manufacturing hair-rollers
and every Sunday sent mother
a gift basket.
Her head in rollers –
the ideal reconstruction of the solar system –
was photographed for albums and calendars.
The principle of rollers clenching hair
underlay the national production of harvesters.
This became my first metaphor
which I gobbled till my mouth foamed
as if I had swallowed the whole Swan Lake.
My body didn’t belong to me.
Bent with pain,
it was making a career out of being a question mark
in the corporation of language.
The bureaucracy of the body drove me to the wall:
head didn’t want to think –
let the eyes watch
eyes didn’t want to watch –
let the ears listen
ears didn’t want to listen –
let the hands touch
hands didn’t want to touch –
let the nose smell the body
which blooms with linden flowers of pain.
Where are my bees?
Aren’t I sweet enough for them?
© Translation: 2008, Valzhyna Mort, Franz Wright and Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press, , 2008
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press, , 2008
in wat voor uithoek doet onze jeugd ons geboren wordenmet wat voor schreeuw rekken we ons vanuit de pose
van een vraagteken uit tot een uitroepteken
de linkerlip van Polen en de rechterlip van Rusland wijken uiteen
en onze hoofden komen tevoorschijn uit...
we schiepen al zestien woorden voor sneeuw –
tijd nu om zestien woorden te scheppen voor duisternis.
In de pose van een vraagteken –
met ons hele lichaam stellen we onszelf ter discussie,
bevestigd met een urinevlek.
zijn wij dat? echt waar? stellen we onszelf ter discussie?
of draagt de jeugd in haar buik
een verfomfaaide strandhanddoek.
zo slordig werkte
de botte schaar van de vroedvrouw
dat ze af en toe veranderde
in twee glanzend gepoetste straten
scharnierend rond een militaire obelisk.
de tractorenfabriek begon haarrollers te produceren
en zond elke zondag aan moeder
een cadeaumand.
en haar hoofd met rollers werd –
als een ideale reconstructie van het zonnestelsel –
voor albums en kalenders gefotografeerd.
het principe van de greep die een roller op de haren heeft
ligt ten grondslag aan de nationale productie van maaidorsers –
werd mijn eerste metafoor
die ik herhaalde en herhaalde tot mijn mond schuimde
alsof ik het hele zwanenmeer had verzwolgen.
mijn lichaam behoorde niet toe aan mijzelf:
krimpend van pijn
maakte het als een vraagteken carrière in de corporatie van de taal.
de bureaucratie van het lichaam dreef mij in het nauw:
mijn hoofd wil niet denken en zegt:
laat de ogen kijken
mijn ogen willen niet kijken en zeggen:
laat de oren luisteren
mijn oren willen niet luisteren en zeggen:
laat de neus ruiken
mijn neus wil niet ruiken en zegt:
laat de handen voelen
en de handen voelen een lichaam
dat bloeit – een lindebloesem van pijn.
zijn er ergens bijen? waarom versmaden zij de zoete geur?
© Vertaling: 2009, Roel Schuyt
у якіх пакутах нас нараджае нашая маладосцьз якімі крыкамі мы выпрастоўваемся з позы пытальніка
ў позу клічніка
левая губа польшчы і правая губа расеі рассоўваюцца
і нашыя галовы з’яўляюцца з . . .
ужо склалі шаснаццаць назваў для сьнегу
час скласьці шаснаццаць назваў для цемры.
у позе пытальніка –
усім сваім целам мы ставім сябе пад пытаньне
замацаванае кроплей мачы.
гэта мы? насамрэч? ставім сябе пад пытаньне?
ці маладосць у сваім чэраве носіць
скамканы пляжны рушнік.
так марудна працавалі
тупыя ножніцы акушэркі
што з часам ператварыліся
ў ярка-начышчаныя вуліцы
на шарнірах ваеннага абеліску.
трактарны завод пачаў вырабляць бігудзі
і кожную нядзелю прысылаў для маці
падарункавую карзіну.
яе галаву ў бігудзях
як ідэальную рэканструкцыю сонечнай сістэмы
фатаграфавалі для альбомаў і календароў.
прынцып захопу бігудзямі валасоў
лёг у аснову нацыянальнага камбайнабудаўніцва –
стаў маёй першай метафарай
якую я паўтарала і паўтарала з пенай у рота
быццам праглынула цэлае лебядзінае возера.
маё цела не належыла мне:
скурчанае ад болю
яно рабіла кар’еру пытальніка ў карпарацыі мовы.
бюракратыя цела загнала мяне ў кут:
галава ня хоча думаць, кажа –
няхай вочы глядзяць
вочы ня хочуць глядзець, кажуць –
няхай вушы слухаюць
вушы ня хочуць слухаць, кажуць –
няхай нос нюхае
нос ня хоча нюхаць, кажа –
няхай рукі мацаюць
і рукі мацаюць
цела, што квітнее ліпавым цьветам болю.
дзе ж мае пчолы? чаму не ляцяць на салодкі запах?
© 2008, Valzhyna Mort
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press,
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press,
Poems of Valzhyna Mort
In the Pose of a Question Mark
How hard it is to draw ourselves upfrom the pose of a question mark
into the pose of an exclamation.
The left labia of Poland and the right labia of Russia part
and our heads emerge out of . . .
By now we have sixteen names for snow –
it’s time to come up with sixteen names for darkness.
In the pose of a question mark –
with our whole bodies we call ourselves into question,
confirmed by a urine dot.
Is it really us calling into a question?
Or adolescence has just birthed
a rumpled beach towel.
So blunt were
the midwife’s scissors
which with time turned into
brightly-polished avenues
jointed by a military obelisk.
A tractor plant started manufacturing hair-rollers
and every Sunday sent mother
a gift basket.
Her head in rollers –
the ideal reconstruction of the solar system –
was photographed for albums and calendars.
The principle of rollers clenching hair
underlay the national production of harvesters.
This became my first metaphor
which I gobbled till my mouth foamed
as if I had swallowed the whole Swan Lake.
My body didn’t belong to me.
Bent with pain,
it was making a career out of being a question mark
in the corporation of language.
The bureaucracy of the body drove me to the wall:
head didn’t want to think –
let the eyes watch
eyes didn’t want to watch –
let the ears listen
ears didn’t want to listen –
let the hands touch
hands didn’t want to touch –
let the nose smell the body
which blooms with linden flowers of pain.
Where are my bees?
Aren’t I sweet enough for them?
© 2008, Valzhyna Mort, Franz Wright and Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,
In the Pose of a Question Mark
How hard it is to draw ourselves upfrom the pose of a question mark
into the pose of an exclamation.
The left labia of Poland and the right labia of Russia part
and our heads emerge out of . . .
By now we have sixteen names for snow –
it’s time to come up with sixteen names for darkness.
In the pose of a question mark –
with our whole bodies we call ourselves into question,
confirmed by a urine dot.
Is it really us calling into a question?
Or adolescence has just birthed
a rumpled beach towel.
So blunt were
the midwife’s scissors
which with time turned into
brightly-polished avenues
jointed by a military obelisk.
A tractor plant started manufacturing hair-rollers
and every Sunday sent mother
a gift basket.
Her head in rollers –
the ideal reconstruction of the solar system –
was photographed for albums and calendars.
The principle of rollers clenching hair
underlay the national production of harvesters.
This became my first metaphor
which I gobbled till my mouth foamed
as if I had swallowed the whole Swan Lake.
My body didn’t belong to me.
Bent with pain,
it was making a career out of being a question mark
in the corporation of language.
The bureaucracy of the body drove me to the wall:
head didn’t want to think –
let the eyes watch
eyes didn’t want to watch –
let the ears listen
ears didn’t want to listen –
let the hands touch
hands didn’t want to touch –
let the nose smell the body
which blooms with linden flowers of pain.
Where are my bees?
Aren’t I sweet enough for them?
© 2008, Valzhyna Mort, Franz Wright and Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,
From: Factory of Tears
Publisher: 2008, Copper Canyon Press,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère