José Asunción Silva
These recollections with the scent of fernsAre the idyll of early years
(Gregorio Gutierrez González)
Accompanying the hazy memories
Time so generously glorifies,
Returning to a welcoming heart
And flocking like white butterflies,
Come fantasies of happy childhood days.
Blue Beard, Little Red Ridinghood,
Lilliputians and the giant Gulliver,
All of you, floating in the mist of dreams,
Spread your wings, fly,
So I, the happy journeyer
Through storybooks, may summon you
To join with other, beloved characters.
O blessed youth! Eyes aglimmer
With dawning discovery
Follow the weary teacher’s hand
Across the big red figures
In the tattered primer,
Where traces of vague recognition,
Rewarding periods of youthful despondency,
Beneath indifferent shadows
Begin forming letters into words
On a dewy, white,
Luminous, restless August morning,
Helping a blazing sun rise
On wings of the breeze
Toward skies dotted with drifting clouds;
Listening to a grandmother’s
Exemplary fairy tales;
Skipping school
To organize a clamorous battle
In which rocks rattle like bullets
And a rumpled kerchief becomes a flag.
Constructing a manger scene
Of materials gathered from the woods,
Then, after the long, rowdy outing
Arranging the grasses,
Coral twigs, and treasured mosses,
And on strange and alien landscapes,
Perspectives never seen or dreamed,
Creating roads of golden sand
And waterfalls of gleaming tinsel.
Positioning the Wise Men on the hill
And overhead
The star that led them from afar;
In the crib, the laughing Baby Jesus
In his bed of
Softest mosses and leafy ferns.
Pristine soul, blush-pink cheeks,
Skin like ermine on the snow,
Flaxen curls,
Sparkling yet peaceful eyes, how fair
In memory the innocent babe!
Childhood, hallowed valley
Of blessed calm and coolness,
Where rays that will later blast our days
So softly shine,
How saintly your pure innocence,
How fleeting your brief happiness,
How sweet in hours of bitterness
To turn back to the past
And call upon those memories!
© Translation: 2003, Margaret Sayers Peden
Esos recuerdos con olor de helechoson el idilio de la edad primera.
(Gregorio Gutiérrez González)
Con el recuerdo vago de las cosas
Que embellecen el tiempo y la distancia
Retornan a las almas cariñosas
Cual bandada de blancas mariposas,
Los plácidos recuerdos de la infancia.
¡Caperucita, Barba Azul, pequeños
Liliputienses; Gulliver gigante
Que flotáis en las brumas de los sueños,
Aquí tended las alas
Que yo con alegría
Llamaré para haceros compañía
Al ratoncito Pérez y a Urdimalas!
¡Edad feliz! Seguir con vivos ojos
Donde la idea brilla,
De la maestra la cansada mano,
Sobre los grandes caracteres rojos
De la rota cartilla,
Donde el esbozo de un bosquejo vago,
Frutos de instantes de infantil despecho,
Las separadas letras juntas puso
Bajo la sombra de impasible techo.
En alas de la brisa
Del luminoso Agosto, blanca, inquieta
A la región de las errantes nubes
Hacer que se levante la cometa
En húmeda mañana;
Con el vestido nuevo hecho jirones,
En las ramas gomosas del cerezo
El nido sorprender de copetones;
Escuchar de la abuela
Las sencillas historias peregrinas;
Perseguir las errantes golondrinas,
Abandonar la escuela
Y organizar horrísona batalla
En donde hacen las piedras de metralla
Y el ajado pañuelo de bandera;
Componer el pesebre
De los silos del monte levantados;
Tras el largo paseo bullicioso
Traer la grama leve,
Los corales, el musgo codiciado.
Y en extraños paisajes peregrinos
Y perspectivas nunca imaginadas,
Hacer de áureas arenas los caminos
Y de talco brillante las cascadas.
Los reyes colocar en la colina
Y colgada del techo
La estrella que sus pasos encamina,
Y en el portal el Niño Dios riente
Sobre el mullido lecho
De musgo gris y verdecino helecho.
¡Alma blanca, mejillas sonrosadas,
Cutis de níveo armiño,
Cabellera de oro,
Ojos vivos de plácidas miradas,
Cuán bello hacéis al inocente niño!...
Infancia, valle ameno,
De calma y de frescura bendecida
Donde es süave el rayo
Del sol que abrasa el resto de la vida.
¡Cómo es de santa tu inocencia pura,
Cómo tus breves dichas transitorias,
Cómo es de dulce en horas de amargura
Dirigir al pasado la mirada
Y evocar tus memorias!
© 1967, Casa de Poesía Silva
From: Intimidades
Publisher: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá
From: Intimidades
Publisher: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá
Poems of José Asunción Silva
These recollections with the scent of fernsAre the idyll of early years
(Gregorio Gutierrez González)
Accompanying the hazy memories
Time so generously glorifies,
Returning to a welcoming heart
And flocking like white butterflies,
Come fantasies of happy childhood days.
Blue Beard, Little Red Ridinghood,
Lilliputians and the giant Gulliver,
All of you, floating in the mist of dreams,
Spread your wings, fly,
So I, the happy journeyer
Through storybooks, may summon you
To join with other, beloved characters.
O blessed youth! Eyes aglimmer
With dawning discovery
Follow the weary teacher’s hand
Across the big red figures
In the tattered primer,
Where traces of vague recognition,
Rewarding periods of youthful despondency,
Beneath indifferent shadows
Begin forming letters into words
On a dewy, white,
Luminous, restless August morning,
Helping a blazing sun rise
On wings of the breeze
Toward skies dotted with drifting clouds;
Listening to a grandmother’s
Exemplary fairy tales;
Skipping school
To organize a clamorous battle
In which rocks rattle like bullets
And a rumpled kerchief becomes a flag.
Constructing a manger scene
Of materials gathered from the woods,
Then, after the long, rowdy outing
Arranging the grasses,
Coral twigs, and treasured mosses,
And on strange and alien landscapes,
Perspectives never seen or dreamed,
Creating roads of golden sand
And waterfalls of gleaming tinsel.
Positioning the Wise Men on the hill
And overhead
The star that led them from afar;
In the crib, the laughing Baby Jesus
In his bed of
Softest mosses and leafy ferns.
Pristine soul, blush-pink cheeks,
Skin like ermine on the snow,
Flaxen curls,
Sparkling yet peaceful eyes, how fair
In memory the innocent babe!
Childhood, hallowed valley
Of blessed calm and coolness,
Where rays that will later blast our days
So softly shine,
How saintly your pure innocence,
How fleeting your brief happiness,
How sweet in hours of bitterness
To turn back to the past
And call upon those memories!
© 2003, Margaret Sayers Peden
From: Intimidades
From: Intimidades
These recollections with the scent of fernsAre the idyll of early years
(Gregorio Gutierrez González)
Accompanying the hazy memories
Time so generously glorifies,
Returning to a welcoming heart
And flocking like white butterflies,
Come fantasies of happy childhood days.
Blue Beard, Little Red Ridinghood,
Lilliputians and the giant Gulliver,
All of you, floating in the mist of dreams,
Spread your wings, fly,
So I, the happy journeyer
Through storybooks, may summon you
To join with other, beloved characters.
O blessed youth! Eyes aglimmer
With dawning discovery
Follow the weary teacher’s hand
Across the big red figures
In the tattered primer,
Where traces of vague recognition,
Rewarding periods of youthful despondency,
Beneath indifferent shadows
Begin forming letters into words
On a dewy, white,
Luminous, restless August morning,
Helping a blazing sun rise
On wings of the breeze
Toward skies dotted with drifting clouds;
Listening to a grandmother’s
Exemplary fairy tales;
Skipping school
To organize a clamorous battle
In which rocks rattle like bullets
And a rumpled kerchief becomes a flag.
Constructing a manger scene
Of materials gathered from the woods,
Then, after the long, rowdy outing
Arranging the grasses,
Coral twigs, and treasured mosses,
And on strange and alien landscapes,
Perspectives never seen or dreamed,
Creating roads of golden sand
And waterfalls of gleaming tinsel.
Positioning the Wise Men on the hill
And overhead
The star that led them from afar;
In the crib, the laughing Baby Jesus
In his bed of
Softest mosses and leafy ferns.
Pristine soul, blush-pink cheeks,
Skin like ermine on the snow,
Flaxen curls,
Sparkling yet peaceful eyes, how fair
In memory the innocent babe!
Childhood, hallowed valley
Of blessed calm and coolness,
Where rays that will later blast our days
So softly shine,
How saintly your pure innocence,
How fleeting your brief happiness,
How sweet in hours of bitterness
To turn back to the past
And call upon those memories!
© 2003, Margaret Sayers Peden

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère