Maria van Daalen
Someone must be the witnessand arise when the body can no longer take the sorrow.
I arise in due course,
just like he, without any effort,
and depart from my past time
until I arrive in my body,
my lair, the bed my soul has selected for itself.
The battlefield, the captivity,
the merging which will be marked for death,
so that what I want to have said will happen to us,
namely, notably
the love, the life,
the singularity, the day-to-day boasting, that I love you
and will wash up tonight
all the plates, all the cups
and all that’s all holy.
Thus it shall be.
The clean dishes in the cupboard.
The towels hanging on the radiator.
The world at my feet,
the dead in the ground.
And somewhere, going to seed, blossoming,
a new garden
and fresh earth.
© Translation: 2007, Renée Delhez
From: Contemporary Dutch Poets. A Poetry Review Supplement
Publisher: Poetry Society, London, 2007
From: Contemporary Dutch Poets. A Poetry Review Supplement
Publisher: Poetry Society, London, 2007
Iemand moet de getuige zijnen opstaan als het lichaam het verdriet niet meer kan innemen.
Ik sta te zijner tijd op,
net als hij, zonder enige moeite,
en vertrek uit mijn verleden tijd
totdat ik aankom in mijn lichaam,
mijn legerstede, het bed dat mijn ziel voor zich gekozen heeft.
Het slagveld, de gevangenschap,
de samensmelting die ten dode wordt opgeschreven,
zodat ons gebeurt wat ik gezegd wil hebben,
namelijk, met name
de liefde, het leven,
de eigenheid, de grootspraak van alledag, dat ik je liefheb
en vanavond zal afwassen
alle borden, alle kopjes
en alles wat allemaal heilig is.
Zo moet het zijn.
De schone vaat in de kast.
De doekjes hangend aan de verwarming.
De wereld aan mijn voeten,
de doden in de grond.
En ergens, uitbloeiend, bottend,
een nieuwe tuin
en verse aarde.
© 2007, Maria van Daalen
From: De wet van behoud van energie
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
From: De wet van behoud van energie
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
Poems of Maria van Daalen
Someone must be the witnessand arise when the body can no longer take the sorrow.
I arise in due course,
just like he, without any effort,
and depart from my past time
until I arrive in my body,
my lair, the bed my soul has selected for itself.
The battlefield, the captivity,
the merging which will be marked for death,
so that what I want to have said will happen to us,
namely, notably
the love, the life,
the singularity, the day-to-day boasting, that I love you
and will wash up tonight
all the plates, all the cups
and all that’s all holy.
Thus it shall be.
The clean dishes in the cupboard.
The towels hanging on the radiator.
The world at my feet,
the dead in the ground.
And somewhere, going to seed, blossoming,
a new garden
and fresh earth.
© 2007, Renée Delhez
From: Contemporary Dutch Poets. A Poetry Review Supplement
Publisher: 2007, Poetry Society, London
From: Contemporary Dutch Poets. A Poetry Review Supplement
Publisher: 2007, Poetry Society, London
Someone must be the witnessand arise when the body can no longer take the sorrow.
I arise in due course,
just like he, without any effort,
and depart from my past time
until I arrive in my body,
my lair, the bed my soul has selected for itself.
The battlefield, the captivity,
the merging which will be marked for death,
so that what I want to have said will happen to us,
namely, notably
the love, the life,
the singularity, the day-to-day boasting, that I love you
and will wash up tonight
all the plates, all the cups
and all that’s all holy.
Thus it shall be.
The clean dishes in the cupboard.
The towels hanging on the radiator.
The world at my feet,
the dead in the ground.
And somewhere, going to seed, blossoming,
a new garden
and fresh earth.
© 2007, Renée Delhez
From: Contemporary Dutch Poets. A Poetry Review Supplement
Publisher: 2007, Poetry Society, London
From: Contemporary Dutch Poets. A Poetry Review Supplement
Publisher: 2007, Poetry Society, London

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère