Luz Mary Giraldo
You fold and unfold shirtsas if you were tying and untying time.
Here the stockings and the shoe box
on this side the thick shawl for the afternoon cold
the dark dress for the feast of shadows
the red one to soften sorrow.
In the chest
the veil of childhood
and the velvet of years’ sleep.
The embroidered camisole takes its nap under the sheets
and the silk handkerchief keeps relics of remembrance.
The house you carry
about bundled
is a backyard of time
and a patio of cherry trees
it is dinner served for all at night
children in gardens and a hidden secret.
Pages where there are poems
prayers and dreams.
A bunch of violets
smelling of jasmine
of mint
of wind.
An icon of luminous background
sleeps in the living room
and the word waits
in the entrance
with the cup of wine
a two-letter tablecloth
and the bell that tolls recalling the dead.
The house you carry about
knitted in silence
folds and unfolds your dream and your sleeplessness.
© Translation: 2008, Nicolás Suescún
Doblas y desdoblas camisascomo atando y desatando el tiempo.
Aquí las medias y la caja de zapatos
a este lado el sacón para el frío de la tarde
el traje oscuro en la fiesta de sombras
y el rojo para suavizar la pena.
En el baúl duermen
el velo de la infancia
y el terciopelo de los años.
El camisón bordado hace su siesta entre las sábanas
y el pañuelo de seda guarda reliquias de un recuerdo.
La casa que tú llevas
contigo arrebujada
es un solar de tiempo
y un patio de cerezos
es la cena servida en la noche de todos
niños en los jardines y un oculto secreto.
Páginas donde hay versos
oraciones y sueños.
Un ramo de violetas
con olor a jazmín
a yerbabuena
a viento.
Un icono de fondo luminoso
duerme en la sala
y la palabra espera
en la puerta de la entrada
con la copa de vino
un mantel de dos letras
y la campana que tañe al recordar los muertos.
La casa que tú llevas
tejida en el silencio
dobla y desdobla tu sueño y tu desvelo.
© 2007, Luz Mary Giraldo
From: Diario vivir
Publisher: ediciones Entrecasa, Bogota
From: Diario vivir
Publisher: ediciones Entrecasa, Bogota
Poems of Luz Mary Giraldo
You fold and unfold shirtsas if you were tying and untying time.
Here the stockings and the shoe box
on this side the thick shawl for the afternoon cold
the dark dress for the feast of shadows
the red one to soften sorrow.
In the chest
the veil of childhood
and the velvet of years’ sleep.
The embroidered camisole takes its nap under the sheets
and the silk handkerchief keeps relics of remembrance.
The house you carry
about bundled
is a backyard of time
and a patio of cherry trees
it is dinner served for all at night
children in gardens and a hidden secret.
Pages where there are poems
prayers and dreams.
A bunch of violets
smelling of jasmine
of mint
of wind.
An icon of luminous background
sleeps in the living room
and the word waits
in the entrance
with the cup of wine
a two-letter tablecloth
and the bell that tolls recalling the dead.
The house you carry about
knitted in silence
folds and unfolds your dream and your sleeplessness.
© 2008, Nicolás Suescún
From: Diario vivir
From: Diario vivir
You fold and unfold shirtsas if you were tying and untying time.
Here the stockings and the shoe box
on this side the thick shawl for the afternoon cold
the dark dress for the feast of shadows
the red one to soften sorrow.
In the chest
the veil of childhood
and the velvet of years’ sleep.
The embroidered camisole takes its nap under the sheets
and the silk handkerchief keeps relics of remembrance.
The house you carry
about bundled
is a backyard of time
and a patio of cherry trees
it is dinner served for all at night
children in gardens and a hidden secret.
Pages where there are poems
prayers and dreams.
A bunch of violets
smelling of jasmine
of mint
of wind.
An icon of luminous background
sleeps in the living room
and the word waits
in the entrance
with the cup of wine
a two-letter tablecloth
and the bell that tolls recalling the dead.
The house you carry about
knitted in silence
folds and unfolds your dream and your sleeplessness.
© 2008, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère