Linda Maria Baros
Those who come and those who go
know nothing
of the A4 and its turgescence.
Nothing of its feral stink – an old whore
whose eyes are the colour
of surgical alcohol –
the stink wherein the truckers levitate, stiff-necked,
and, like some sainted leper,
raise the level of their life.
They think the city stretches out before them,
its severed head grinning on the windscreen.
(But they never see, on all that asphalt,
the herons take off fearfully and blindly,
like trying to extract the blocked coins
from death’s votive juke-box.)
At the service stations, the recruits of petrol
take the heads off the highest octanes.
They put a rictus on the setting sun.
They knife open the joints of the door
their neck sliding on a blade of steel.
And those who come and those who go
know nothing
of the A4 and its turgescence.
They pass through it, like a tunnel.
© Translation: 2008, Stephen Romer
Zij die komen en zij die gaanweten niets
van de turgescentie van de A4.
Haar wilde geur – de geur van een ouwe hoer
met ogen gekleurd
als medicinale alcohol –
de geur waarin de vrachtwagenchauffeurs zich verheffen met omgedraaide nek,
en, als een goddelijke lepra,
het levenspeil.
Ze denken dat de stad zich voor hen uitstrekt,
haar afgehakte kop grijnst op de voorruit.
(Maar op het asfalt zien ze niet
hoe de reigers bedeesd en blindelings weggaan
en hardnekkig de klemzittende munten
uit de votief-jukebox van de dood proberen te peuteren.)
Aan de pompen scheren de rekruten van de benzine
de koppen van het octaan.
Ze verlenen een gezicht aan de zonsondergang.
Openen de deurvoegen met hun mes
en laten hun nek glijden over het stalen lemmet.
En zij die gaan en zij die komen
weten niets
van de turgescentie van de A4.
Ze beleven niet meer dan een tunneleffect.
© Vertaling: 2008, Micha J. Knijn
Ceux qui viennent et ceux qui s’en vont
ne savent rien
sur la turgescence de l’autoroute A4.
Sur son odeur sauvage – de vieille putain
dont les yeux ont la couleur
de l’alcool médicinal –
odeur dans laquelle lévitent les routiers, le cou tordu,
et, comme une lèpre divine,
le niveau de vie.
Ils croient que la ville s’étend devant eux,
sa tête tranchée ricane sur le pare-brise.
(Mais ils ne voient pas, sur l’asphalte,
les hérons partir timidement à l’aveuglette,
s’acharner à faire sortir les sous coincés
dans le juke-box votif de la mort.)
Aux pompes, les recrues de l’essence rasent
les têtes des octanes.
Ils donnent un visage au coucher du soleil.
Ouvrent de leur couteau les jointures de la porte
et leur cou glisse sur la lame d’acier.
Et ceux qui s’en vont et ceux qui viennent
ne savent rien
sur la turgescence de l’autoroute A4.
Ils vivent un simple effet de tunnel.
From: Le Livre de signes et d’ombres
Publisher: Cheyne,
Publisher: Cheyne,
Poems of Linda Maria Baros
Those who come and those who go
know nothing
of the A4 and its turgescence.
Nothing of its feral stink – an old whore
whose eyes are the colour
of surgical alcohol –
the stink wherein the truckers levitate, stiff-necked,
and, like some sainted leper,
raise the level of their life.
They think the city stretches out before them,
its severed head grinning on the windscreen.
(But they never see, on all that asphalt,
the herons take off fearfully and blindly,
like trying to extract the blocked coins
from death’s votive juke-box.)
At the service stations, the recruits of petrol
take the heads off the highest octanes.
They put a rictus on the setting sun.
They knife open the joints of the door
their neck sliding on a blade of steel.
And those who come and those who go
know nothing
of the A4 and its turgescence.
They pass through it, like a tunnel.
© 2008, Stephen Romer
From: Le Livre de signes et d’ombres
From: Le Livre de signes et d’ombres
Those who come and those who go
know nothing
of the A4 and its turgescence.
Nothing of its feral stink – an old whore
whose eyes are the colour
of surgical alcohol –
the stink wherein the truckers levitate, stiff-necked,
and, like some sainted leper,
raise the level of their life.
They think the city stretches out before them,
its severed head grinning on the windscreen.
(But they never see, on all that asphalt,
the herons take off fearfully and blindly,
like trying to extract the blocked coins
from death’s votive juke-box.)
At the service stations, the recruits of petrol
take the heads off the highest octanes.
They put a rictus on the setting sun.
They knife open the joints of the door
their neck sliding on a blade of steel.
And those who come and those who go
know nothing
of the A4 and its turgescence.
They pass through it, like a tunnel.
© 2008, Stephen Romer

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère