Mauricio Contreras
This widespread alarm . . .
This widespread alarm at the cruellest confirmation of man’s capacity to embody the most hideous horrors next to the cathedrals erected on the skeleton of “love thy neighbor”, is rather paradoxical. Paradox of estrangement and acceptance, of the amazement of mystery when faced with the undeniable multiplicity that shapes us, of the hallucinated look which reflects, on the tarnished mirror of the affront, our aversion towards the world. Our poor Jekyll and Hyde condition.
© Translation: 2007, Nicolás Suescún
This widespread alarm . . .
No deja de ser paradójica esta alarma generalizada frente a la constatación más cruel de la capacidad de las personas de encarnar los horrores más atroces junto a las catedrales erigidas sobre los huesos del “amor al prójimo”. Paradoja del extrañamiento y de la aceptación, del asombro del misterio frente a la innegable condición de lo múltiple que nos conforma, de la mirada alucinada que nos devuelve, en el espejo tiznado de la afrenta, nuestra (a)versión del mundo. Nuestra pobre condición de doctores Jekyll y Mr. Hyde.
© 2007, Mauricio Contreras
From: La herida intacta
Publisher: First published on PIW,
From: La herida intacta
Publisher: First published on PIW,
Poems of Mauricio Contreras
This widespread alarm . . .
This widespread alarm at the cruellest confirmation of man’s capacity to embody the most hideous horrors next to the cathedrals erected on the skeleton of “love thy neighbor”, is rather paradoxical. Paradox of estrangement and acceptance, of the amazement of mystery when faced with the undeniable multiplicity that shapes us, of the hallucinated look which reflects, on the tarnished mirror of the affront, our aversion towards the world. Our poor Jekyll and Hyde condition.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún
From: La herida intacta
From: La herida intacta
This widespread alarm . . .
This widespread alarm at the cruellest confirmation of man’s capacity to embody the most hideous horrors next to the cathedrals erected on the skeleton of “love thy neighbor”, is rather paradoxical. Paradox of estrangement and acceptance, of the amazement of mystery when faced with the undeniable multiplicity that shapes us, of the hallucinated look which reflects, on the tarnished mirror of the affront, our aversion towards the world. Our poor Jekyll and Hyde condition.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère