Mauricio Contreras
I see a picture in which a boy lifts up the skin of the sea . . .
I see a picture in which a boy lifts up the skin of the sea like someone looking for a mislaid toy in the intricate labyrinths displayed behind the doors of the cupboard or under the bed from where he watches and orders the world which seen from there is big and confused. There, in that greatest action of ingenuousness, the mystery of simplicity is revealed. The question finds no answer in elaborate reasoning, only in the cleanest look capable of caressing reality, laying bare the arcana, like someone peeling an orange.
© Translation: 2007, Nicolás Suescún
I see a picture in which a boy lifts up the skin of the sea . . .
Veo un cuadro en el que un niño levanta la piel del mar como quien busca un juguete extraviado en los intrincados laberintos que se despliegan tras las puertas del armario o bajo la cama desde donde vigila y ordena el mundo que se ve grande y confuso. Allí, en ese acto máximo de ingenuidad se revela el misterio de los simple. La pregunta que no tiene respuesta desde la razón elaborado, sólo desde la mirada más limpia es capaz de acariciar la realidad desnudando los arcanos como quien pela una naranja.
© 2007, Mauricio Contreras
From: La herida intacta
Publisher: First published on PIW,
From: La herida intacta
Publisher: First published on PIW,
Poems of Mauricio Contreras
I see a picture in which a boy lifts up the skin of the sea . . .
I see a picture in which a boy lifts up the skin of the sea like someone looking for a mislaid toy in the intricate labyrinths displayed behind the doors of the cupboard or under the bed from where he watches and orders the world which seen from there is big and confused. There, in that greatest action of ingenuousness, the mystery of simplicity is revealed. The question finds no answer in elaborate reasoning, only in the cleanest look capable of caressing reality, laying bare the arcana, like someone peeling an orange.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún
From: La herida intacta
From: La herida intacta
I see a picture in which a boy lifts up the skin of the sea . . .
I see a picture in which a boy lifts up the skin of the sea like someone looking for a mislaid toy in the intricate labyrinths displayed behind the doors of the cupboard or under the bed from where he watches and orders the world which seen from there is big and confused. There, in that greatest action of ingenuousness, the mystery of simplicity is revealed. The question finds no answer in elaborate reasoning, only in the cleanest look capable of caressing reality, laying bare the arcana, like someone peeling an orange.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère