Tallulah Flores
Craiova today isjust a shadow
of the shadow of the bodies
of the men
who hastened in vain
and moved to and fro in the streets
angled towards one side
by the wind.
Looking at Craiova
was easier for me yesterday.
It was a single inflexible
assumed by the cold
a multitude of eyes
and the absolute absence of voices
which at this hour
in some periods of the year
are stifled by the lights
that cross the city
always ahead of the winter.
Now I remember:
Craiova migrates with the birds
it rises up and every old house creaks.
© Translation: 2007, Nicolás Suescún
Craiova es hoyapenas una sombra
de la sombra de los cuerpos
de los hombres
que en vano aceleraban cada paso
y se mecían en las calles
inclinadas hacia un lado
por el viento.
Mirar hacia Craiova
ayer me fue más fácil.
Fue una sola imagen
contraída por el frío
una multitud de ojos
y la ausencia absoluta de las voces
que a esa hora
en alguna época del año
son ahogadas por las luces
que atraviesan la ciudad
siempre anticipadas al invierno.
Ahora recuerdo:
entonces Craiova emigra con las aves
se eleva y cruje cada vieja casa.
© 1986, Tallulah Flores
From: Poesía para armar
Publisher: Plaza y Janés, Bogotá
From: Poesía para armar
Publisher: Plaza y Janés, Bogotá
Poems of Tallulah Flores
Craiova today isjust a shadow
of the shadow of the bodies
of the men
who hastened in vain
and moved to and fro in the streets
angled towards one side
by the wind.
Looking at Craiova
was easier for me yesterday.
It was a single inflexible
assumed by the cold
a multitude of eyes
and the absolute absence of voices
which at this hour
in some periods of the year
are stifled by the lights
that cross the city
always ahead of the winter.
Now I remember:
Craiova migrates with the birds
it rises up and every old house creaks.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún
From: Poesía para armar
From: Poesía para armar
Craiova today isjust a shadow
of the shadow of the bodies
of the men
who hastened in vain
and moved to and fro in the streets
angled towards one side
by the wind.
Looking at Craiova
was easier for me yesterday.
It was a single inflexible
assumed by the cold
a multitude of eyes
and the absolute absence of voices
which at this hour
in some periods of the year
are stifled by the lights
that cross the city
always ahead of the winter.
Now I remember:
Craiova migrates with the birds
it rises up and every old house creaks.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère