Tallulah Flores
Night’s body goes to bed.Slowly, in the shadows,
the taverns shout.
I fall.
And just a single word in the air
which is suddenly a circle of birds
stains my memory.
Bacovia, poet:
I read you hurriedly,
sunless, uncontrollable.
Long ago you taught me a sadness
of gloomy laughter
and a dampness I found only
in your perpetually scarce trees
that warned me of danger.
Pondering on it,
from this rum tropic,
of myths and scraps of trash,
I got lost in Romania
in that strange winter.
How could I guess
that I would later confuse myself with you in the mirror?
Centuries of sun,
a line of light in the sand.
Barranquilla buried in a corner
of laughter and dance.
Nothing forgotten, everything conclusive.
Hence your crystal ravens and vultures
perched eternally on every page,
on every text,
on every solitude of mine
corrected a thousand and one times.
George Bacovia:
I would like to repeat into this sky,
on this page that describes
every final stage,
the history of a poet or
the outburst of an orchestra
affecting my senses every night.
A crazy race
or a slight craze for life.
© Translation: 2007, Nicolás Suescún
El cuerpo de la noche se recoge.Lentas, bajo sombras
las tabernas gritan.
Y una sola palabra sobre el aire
que es de pronto un círculo de aves
mancha mi memoria.
Bacovia, poeta:
te leí con prisa,
sin sol, incontrolable.
Me enseñaste hace tiempo una tristeza
de carcajadas lúgubres
y una humedad que sólo hallaba
en tus siempre escasos árboles
que me advirtieron el peligro.
Pensándolo bien,
desde este trópico de rones,
de mitos y de restos de basura,
me extravié en Rumania
durante aquel invierno ajeno.
¿Cómo adivinar más tarde
que habría de confundirme contigo en el espejo?
Siglos de sol,
una línea de luz en medio de la arena.
Barranquilla enterrada en una esquina
de risas y de baile.
Nada olvidado, todo decisivo.
Así tus cuervos y tus buitres de cristal
posados por siempre en cada hoja,
en cada texto,
en cada soledad mía
una y mil veces corregida.
George Bacovia:
a mí me gustaría repetirte en este cielo,
en esta página que traza
cada fase final del optimismo,
la historia de un poeta o
el estallido de una orquesta
que resiente cada noche mis sentidos.
Carrera enloquecida
o una leve manía por la vida.
© 2007, Tallulah Flores
From: Nombrar las cosas
Publisher: First published on PIW,
From: Nombrar las cosas
Publisher: First published on PIW,
Poems of Tallulah Flores
Night’s body goes to bed.Slowly, in the shadows,
the taverns shout.
I fall.
And just a single word in the air
which is suddenly a circle of birds
stains my memory.
Bacovia, poet:
I read you hurriedly,
sunless, uncontrollable.
Long ago you taught me a sadness
of gloomy laughter
and a dampness I found only
in your perpetually scarce trees
that warned me of danger.
Pondering on it,
from this rum tropic,
of myths and scraps of trash,
I got lost in Romania
in that strange winter.
How could I guess
that I would later confuse myself with you in the mirror?
Centuries of sun,
a line of light in the sand.
Barranquilla buried in a corner
of laughter and dance.
Nothing forgotten, everything conclusive.
Hence your crystal ravens and vultures
perched eternally on every page,
on every text,
on every solitude of mine
corrected a thousand and one times.
George Bacovia:
I would like to repeat into this sky,
on this page that describes
every final stage,
the history of a poet or
the outburst of an orchestra
affecting my senses every night.
A crazy race
or a slight craze for life.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún
From: Nombrar las cosas
From: Nombrar las cosas
Night’s body goes to bed.Slowly, in the shadows,
the taverns shout.
I fall.
And just a single word in the air
which is suddenly a circle of birds
stains my memory.
Bacovia, poet:
I read you hurriedly,
sunless, uncontrollable.
Long ago you taught me a sadness
of gloomy laughter
and a dampness I found only
in your perpetually scarce trees
that warned me of danger.
Pondering on it,
from this rum tropic,
of myths and scraps of trash,
I got lost in Romania
in that strange winter.
How could I guess
that I would later confuse myself with you in the mirror?
Centuries of sun,
a line of light in the sand.
Barranquilla buried in a corner
of laughter and dance.
Nothing forgotten, everything conclusive.
Hence your crystal ravens and vultures
perched eternally on every page,
on every text,
on every solitude of mine
corrected a thousand and one times.
George Bacovia:
I would like to repeat into this sky,
on this page that describes
every final stage,
the history of a poet or
the outburst of an orchestra
affecting my senses every night.
A crazy race
or a slight craze for life.
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère