Poetry International Poetry International

Chirikure Chirikure

“Yes, Yes”

In the work place, the whole day, it’s “yes, yes”.
This is the official language of the office!

At home, the whole family goes “yes, yes”.
That’s the new language between parent and child.

In the beer-hall, everywhere you turn it’s “yes, yes”.
This is the best language for argument and discussion.

Those political rallies and gatherings, it is “yes, yes”.
To understand politics best use this language.

In bed, just before going to sleep, again “yes, darling”.
Wishes are more easily made and more quickly granted in this language.

Maybe – I don’t know – maybe, up there, in Heaven,
It’s also “yes, yes” everywhere, and chiShona?
Strictly forbidden!

Inongova, “yes, yes”

Inongova, “yes, yes”

Kubasa, muswere wose inongova “Yes, yes”.
Ndiwo mutauro wemuhofisi!

Kumba, mhuri yose inongova “Yes, yes”,
Ndiwo mutauro wapinda mubereki nemwana.

Kubhawa, kwose kwose, ndiyoyo, “Yes, yes”,
Ndiwo mutauro unodiwa pamadiscussions.

Kumisangano ikoko kwacho, ndiyoyo, “Yes, yes”,
Ndirwo rurimi rwadzo politics.

Kana mumagudza, paruvato, ndizvozvo, “Yes, darling”,
Ndirwo rurimi rusinganetsi kutaura zvinodikwa.

Hamenowo ikoko kwacho kudenga,
Pamwe inongova, “Yes, yes” - ChiShona kwete!
Chirikure  Chirikure

Chirikure Chirikure

(Zimbabwe, 1962)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Zimbabwe

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Shona

Gedichten Dichters

Inongova, “yes, yes”

Kubasa, muswere wose inongova “Yes, yes”.
Ndiwo mutauro wemuhofisi!

Kumba, mhuri yose inongova “Yes, yes”,
Ndiwo mutauro wapinda mubereki nemwana.

Kubhawa, kwose kwose, ndiyoyo, “Yes, yes”,
Ndiwo mutauro unodiwa pamadiscussions.

Kumisangano ikoko kwacho, ndiyoyo, “Yes, yes”,
Ndirwo rurimi rwadzo politics.

Kana mumagudza, paruvato, ndizvozvo, “Yes, darling”,
Ndirwo rurimi rusinganetsi kutaura zvinodikwa.

Hamenowo ikoko kwacho kudenga,
Pamwe inongova, “Yes, yes” - ChiShona kwete!

“Yes, Yes”

In the work place, the whole day, it’s “yes, yes”.
This is the official language of the office!

At home, the whole family goes “yes, yes”.
That’s the new language between parent and child.

In the beer-hall, everywhere you turn it’s “yes, yes”.
This is the best language for argument and discussion.

Those political rallies and gatherings, it is “yes, yes”.
To understand politics best use this language.

In bed, just before going to sleep, again “yes, darling”.
Wishes are more easily made and more quickly granted in this language.

Maybe – I don’t know – maybe, up there, in Heaven,
It’s also “yes, yes” everywhere, and chiShona?
Strictly forbidden!
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère