Poetry International Poetry International

Meta Kušar



Cheeky, punchy bullfinches bounce on branches           
and worries eat up the most beautiful blossom.
Different poems grow
if I watch the garden every day.
Very different.
I measure voices against their echo, governments too.
I don’t count sheep, I’m not looking for a shepherd.
The sun is melting the cathedral’s steeple.
The sky booms. Corridors shudder
in the heat of the day. My fingers glue together.
And truth sings, tilted towards the east, it sings.



Nabiti, kunštni kalini se guncajo,
skrbi pa jejo najlepše cvete.
Drugačne pesmi zrastejo,
če vsak dan gledam vrt.
Zelo drugačne.
Glasove merim z odmevom, vladavine tudi.
Zato ne štejem ovac in ne iščem pastirja.
Stolnici sonce raztaplja zvonik.
Nebo doni. Hodniki v vročem zraku
trepetajo. Prsti so se mi zlepili.
Resnica pa poje, nagnjena na vzhod, poje.
Meta  Kušar

Meta Kušar

(Slovenië, 1952)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Slovenië

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Sloveens

Gedichten Dichters


Nabiti, kunštni kalini se guncajo,
skrbi pa jejo najlepše cvete.
Drugačne pesmi zrastejo,
če vsak dan gledam vrt.
Zelo drugačne.
Glasove merim z odmevom, vladavine tudi.
Zato ne štejem ovac in ne iščem pastirja.
Stolnici sonce raztaplja zvonik.
Nebo doni. Hodniki v vročem zraku
trepetajo. Prsti so se mi zlepili.
Resnica pa poje, nagnjena na vzhod, poje.



Cheeky, punchy bullfinches bounce on branches           
and worries eat up the most beautiful blossom.
Different poems grow
if I watch the garden every day.
Very different.
I measure voices against their echo, governments too.
I don’t count sheep, I’m not looking for a shepherd.
The sun is melting the cathedral’s steeple.
The sky booms. Corridors shudder
in the heat of the day. My fingers glue together.
And truth sings, tilted towards the east, it sings.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère