Admiel Kosman
Installing You my Lord, in da middle of the night.
Installing You and all Your programs. Up and down
da night goes, in my Windows, slows, installing You and
da kruvim, installing you and da srafim, installing all
da holy crew, until da morning
Installing You my Lord. Installing all my questions. All
da darkest night. Installing all de bites. Installing
all relations. Troot. Installing all
pretending actions.
Installing light, installing life, installing you
with love, with awe. Installing all da night long below
until da end, my Lord.
Would we
finally be dead.
Installed together.
From: Approaching You in English
Publisher: Zephyr, Brookline, MA, 2011
אינסטולינג יו מיי לורד
אינסטולינג יו מיי לורד

From: Alternative Prayerbook
Publisher: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Tel Aviv
אינסטולינג יו מיי לורד
Installing You my Lord, in da middle of the night.
Installing You and all Your programs. Up and down
da night goes, in my Windows, slows, installing You and
da kruvim, installing you and da srafim, installing all
da holy crew, until da morning
Installing You my Lord. Installing all my questions. All
da darkest night. Installing all de bites. Installing
all relations. Troot. Installing all
pretending actions.
Installing light, installing life, installing you
with love, with awe. Installing all da night long below
until da end, my Lord.
Would we
finally be dead.
Installed together.
From: Approaching You in English
Publisher: 2011, Zephyr, Brookline, MA