Radosław Jurczak

Radosław Jurczak
This poet from Poland not only writes poetry, but also works as a 'machine learning engineer', which means he helps to develop the artificial intelligence of machines. Besides that, he is also a philosopher and mathematician. Despite these different functions, he’s also quite a prolific poet: although he is still young, he already has two multi-award-winning collections to his name: External Memory and Dutch Books. For these collections, he received the Warsaw Literature Prize, the Silesius Poetry Prize and the Bierezin Prize, among others. And even though he works with machines a lot, many of his poems are actually very green: one review received his debut collection as "the strongest eco-poetic gesture of the past decade". His work is critical and sharp, but often also light-hearted and humorous. As a poet, Jurczak is involved in the European Versopolis network, which connects literary organisations and poets from all over Europe.