Poetry International Poetry International

Abdellatif El Ouarari

Abdellatif El Ouarari

Abdellatif El Ouarari

(Morocco, 1972)
Abdellatif El Ouarari, who lost his father at a young age, belongs to what is known as the ‘new sensibility’ generation of poets writing at the beginning of the 21st century. He is an important Moroccan poet and also one of the most highly esteemed young Moroccan critics. In 2007 he received the Naji Naaman Merit Award in Beirut, and in 2009 the Sharjah Award of Literary Criticism. The poet currently lives in Agadir, Morocco, where he works as a teacher of Arabic. The poems appearing in this issue of PIW are previously unpublished in the original or in translation:
I am not a poet;
I am a bad tempered man
I quarrel with all those around me for the most trivial reasons
And am impelled to assault and accuse them wrongly
Amidst the guffaw of the foolish, recidivists and word suckers.
I show my ingratitude even to those to whom I owe everything
and look down on their favours.

'I'm just a thief'
© Norddine Zouitni
Lmada Ashhadti alayya Wa’da Assahab/Why Did You Call the Promise of Clouds to Witness, Dar Abiraqraq, Rabat, 2005
Ma Yushbihu Nayan ‘ala  Athariha/ As a Flute Tracking Her, Naji Nu’man, Beirut 2007
Tiryaq/Antidote, Muassasat Sharq Gharb, Beirut 2009
Dakiratun Liyawmin Akhar/Memory for Another Day, Dar Tawhidi, Rabat 2013

Critical Works
Tahawwulat Al Maa’na fi Ashshi’r al Ararabi/The Transformation of Meaning in Arab Poetry,  Sharja linnaqd al Adabi, Sharjah, 2009
Naqd al Iqa’/A Critique of Rhythm, Dar Abiraqraq, Rabat 2011
Ashshi’r wa Annathr fi Atturat Annaqdi Al’araby/Poetry and Prose in the Arab Critical Heritage, Kitab al Majallah al Arabia, Riad, 2013

The poet’s web site
VIDEO El Ouarari on Moroccan Poetry
El Ouarari on Facebook

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