Poetry International Poetry International

Jean Daive

Jean Daive

Jean Daive

(France, 1941)
Author of over fifteen collections of poetry and seven volumes of fiction, Jean Daive has been an important voice in French letters for over 35 years. His first publication, Décimale blanche, which came out in 1967, received much attention; his subsequent volumes have often been serial – Narration d’équilibre, Trilogie du Temps, La Condition d’infini, each exploring a specific concept and/or formal question across three or more volumes.
Daive’s work has received extensive critical attention both in full-length volumes and numerous articles. Also a translator, he has published translations of Celan and Creeley, among others. Daive has also exerted a great influence through his decades of work in radio as a producer at France Culture, as president of the centre international de poésie Marseille, and as the founder and editor of four successive poetry journals, Fragment in 1969, fig. in 1989, Fin in 1999, and K.O.S.H.K.O.N.O.N.G. in 2013.
, La Presse Publisher

In English
White Decimal, tr. Cid Corman, Origin, 1969
A Lesson in Music, tr. Julie Kalendek, Burning Deck, 1992
Anne-Marie Albiach, A Discursive, Space: Interviews with Jean Daive, tr. Norma Cole, Duration Press, 1999
Under The Dome: Walks with Paul Celan, tr. Rosmarie Waldrop, Burning Deck, 2009
A Woman with Several Lives, tr. Norma Cole, Iowa City & Paris, La Presse, 2012
Paul Auster, editor, The Random House Book of Twentieth-Century French Poetry, Random House, 1982
Magazines including Modern Poetry in Translation, Avec, New Directions 44, Serie d’Ecriture 3

Jean Daive’s French bibliography
Poems of Jean Daive
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère