Poetry International Poetry International

José Tolentino Mendonça


After shutting everything, I reopen the door
and plunge unsteadily into the empty darkness
at certain hours I’m afraid of the company
of what doesn’t sleep
of what endures in our space
ruled by other forces

But it also happens that I first turn on the light
and only then
feel scared of this house that shelters me
terrified of its invisible maelstroms
which seem to be getting closer and closer
as if I were about to die
at the very hands of God

I don’t know how to wake up alive from these things:
I take advantage of the dusk’s clamor to scream
I leave you for an instant (just an instant)
to close my eyes that burn so much
or I toss leaves from the riverbank into the water
to measure the time of a life
that’s drowning



Depois de ter fechado tudo, abro de novo a porta
e corro cambaleante para a vazia escuridão
assusta-me a certas horas a companhia
do que não adormece
a resistência disso no nosso espaço
movido por outra forças

Mas também me ocorre acender primeiro a luz
e só depois
sentir um medo louco da casa que me acolhe
dos seus redemoinhos imperceptíveis
que julgo cada vez mais perto
como se estivesse para ser morto
às mãos do próprio Deus

Não sei bem acordar vivo destas coisas:
aproveito o ruído do entardecer e grito muito alto
deixo-te um instante só (um instante só)
para fechar os olhos que tanto ardem
ou atiro das margens folhas ao rio
para medir o tempo de uma vida
a naufragar


After shutting everything, I reopen the door
and plunge unsteadily into the empty darkness
at certain hours I’m afraid of the company
of what doesn’t sleep
of what endures in our space
ruled by other forces

But it also happens that I first turn on the light
and only then
feel scared of this house that shelters me
terrified of its invisible maelstroms
which seem to be getting closer and closer
as if I were about to die
at the very hands of God

I don’t know how to wake up alive from these things:
I take advantage of the dusk’s clamor to scream
I leave you for an instant (just an instant)
to close my eyes that burn so much
or I toss leaves from the riverbank into the water
to measure the time of a life
that’s drowning


After shutting everything, I reopen the door
and plunge unsteadily into the empty darkness
at certain hours I’m afraid of the company
of what doesn’t sleep
of what endures in our space
ruled by other forces

But it also happens that I first turn on the light
and only then
feel scared of this house that shelters me
terrified of its invisible maelstroms
which seem to be getting closer and closer
as if I were about to die
at the very hands of God

I don’t know how to wake up alive from these things:
I take advantage of the dusk’s clamor to scream
I leave you for an instant (just an instant)
to close my eyes that burn so much
or I toss leaves from the riverbank into the water
to measure the time of a life
that’s drowning
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère