Poetry International Poetry International

Erik Spinoy

He draws a line with piss

He draws a line with piss
and rubs himself on the backs
of 16 females.

Spectral meccano set assembled
taken apart
again assembled.

Call at his place: not sure
he will answer the door.
(For who\'ll satisfy him more?)

A cloudburst soon beats his scent
into the soppy ground,
a virus or a virulent prostrate
kills off the alpha in him.

But bitches have been had, money has
murmured past him in streams and
1000 guileless caribou been murdered

all through a line of piss.

Met pis trekt hij een grens

Met pis trekt hij een grens
en schurkt zich op de rug
van 16 vrouwtjes.

Spectraal meccano-spel ineengezet
opnieuw ineengezet.

Bel bij hem aan: onzeker
of hij opendoet.
(Want wie voldoet?)

Een stortbui slaat zijn reuk weldra
de weke bodem in,
een virus of een heilloze prostaat
maakt hem alfa af.

Maar wijfjes zijn gehad, geld is
in beken langs hem heen gestroeld en
1000 argeloze kariboes vermoord

al door een grens van pis.

He draws a line with piss

He draws a line with piss
and rubs himself on the backs
of 16 females.

Spectral meccano set assembled
taken apart
again assembled.

Call at his place: not sure
he will answer the door.
(For who\'ll satisfy him more?)

A cloudburst soon beats his scent
into the soppy ground,
a virus or a virulent prostrate
kills off the alpha in him.

But bitches have been had, money has
murmured past him in streams and
1000 guileless caribou been murdered

all through a line of piss.

He draws a line with piss

He draws a line with piss
and rubs himself on the backs
of 16 females.

Spectral meccano set assembled
taken apart
again assembled.

Call at his place: not sure
he will answer the door.
(For who\'ll satisfy him more?)

A cloudburst soon beats his scent
into the soppy ground,
a virus or a virulent prostrate
kills off the alpha in him.

But bitches have been had, money has
murmured past him in streams and
1000 guileless caribou been murdered

all through a line of piss.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère