Poetry International Poetry International

F. van Dixhoorn

Page 5

                                              a blockade
                                              of that bridge
                                              3. to the others
                                              who with grand gestures
                                              draw through the air
                                              how the bridge should be
                                              1. this time I walk into
                                              the park
                                              from the back
                                              even as the crowns
                                              touch each other everywhere
                                              2. I look at
                                              the other strollers
                                              only earth nameplates
                                              on stems
                                              of bare plants

pagina 5

                                              een blokkade
                                              van die brug
                                              3. aan de anderen
                                              die met weidse gebaren
                                              in de lucht laten zien
                                              hoe de brug moet worden
                                              1. ditmaal loop ik
                                              aan de achterkant
                                              het park in
                                              terwijl de kruinen
                                              elkaar overal raken
                                              2. ik kijk
                                              naar de andere wandelaars
                                              alleen aarde naambordjes
                                              aan stengels
                                              van kale planten

Page 5

                                              a blockade
                                              of that bridge
                                              3. to the others
                                              who with grand gestures
                                              draw through the air
                                              how the bridge should be
                                              1. this time I walk into
                                              the park
                                              from the back
                                              even as the crowns
                                              touch each other everywhere
                                              2. I look at
                                              the other strollers
                                              only earth nameplates
                                              on stems
                                              of bare plants

Page 5

                                              a blockade
                                              of that bridge
                                              3. to the others
                                              who with grand gestures
                                              draw through the air
                                              how the bridge should be
                                              1. this time I walk into
                                              the park
                                              from the back
                                              even as the crowns
                                              touch each other everywhere
                                              2. I look at
                                              the other strollers
                                              only earth nameplates
                                              on stems
                                              of bare plants
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
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