Menna Elfyn
A bit of dirt never did anyone harm, was grandma’s belief –Are all men’s words like a blade of grass?
I arranged a burial today at daybreak.
The departed will be buried, with the other cats,
at the far end of the garden.
The herbs on the window sill will know nothing about it.
I shall lift the soil with my bare hands.
I shall talk to the snails after the final prayer.
Yes, Oh she’ll have a decent burial.
Who knows, margaritas may be appropriate.
An anonymous traditional verse will be hummed, unaccompanied.
And yes, she will be happy in the waste ground and the isolation.
Who knows, she may joke to the ants that she started out this way.
And yes, we shall still celebrate her, like a miraculous birth that all at once died.
There will be a circle of sisters around her, to mimic the men-only funerals.
There will be a ban on tears, but sleet can fall quietly.
And we shall give thanks for her life, for birth, for care, for the tender nurturing.
And there will be a nestful of the valiant there, uncomplaining fledglings.
There will be no gravestone, but everyone will remember it was there that feminism was buried.
Everyone of her stock who has outlived her, a human family.
© Translation: 2005, Joseph P. Clancy
Litani ar gychwyn claddfa
Litani ar gychwyn claddfa
Gwnaeth dogn o faw ddim drwg i neb oedd coel mamgu.A yw geiriau pob dyn fel glaswelltyn?
Trefnais angladd heddi ar doriad dydd.
Bydd yr ymadawedig yn cael ei chladdu
gyda’r cathod eraill, ben pella’r ardd.
Bydd y perlysiau lintel ffenest yn gwybod amdano.
Byddaf yn codi’r pridd a’m cledrau noethion.
Byddaf yn sgwrsio a’r malwod- wedi gweddi’r terfyn.
Bydd, O fe fydd yn cael claddfa barchus.
Pwy a wyr na fydd ‘Margaritas’ yn weddus.
Caiff hen bennill anhysbys ei hymian , yn ddigyfeiliant.
A bydd, fe fydd yn ddedwydd yn yr anialwch a’r anghyfanneddle.
Pwy a wyr na fydd yn cellwair wrth y morgrug mai dechreuad felly a gafodd hithau.
A byddwn, byddwn yn dal i’w dathlu fel rhyw eni gwyrthiol a fu farw’n ffrit-ffrat.
Bydd cylch o chwiorydd o’i chwmpas i ddynwared angladdau’r ‘dynion yn unig’.
Bydd gwaharddeb ar ddagrau , ond gall odlaw ddisgyn yn dawel.
A byddwn yn diolch am ei bywyd, am eni, am feithrin , am ein magu’n dyner.
A bydd nythiad o’r glewion yno, yn gywion di-gwyn.
Ni fydd carreg fedd ond bydd pawb yn cofio mai yn y fan honno y claddwyd
Ac ni fydd ewyllys, namyn yr ewyllys i barhau i fod yn un teulu dynol.
© 2005, Menna Elfyn

Menna Elfyn
(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1951)
Menna Elfyn is an award-winning poet and playwright from Wales who writes in Welsh but whose work has been translated into over twenty languages. She has published fourteen collections of poetry, children’s novels, libretti for UK and US composers as well as plays for television and radio.
Poems of Menna Elfyn
A bit of dirt never did anyone harm, was grandma’s belief –Are all men’s words like a blade of grass?
I arranged a burial today at daybreak.
The departed will be buried, with the other cats,
at the far end of the garden.
The herbs on the window sill will know nothing about it.
I shall lift the soil with my bare hands.
I shall talk to the snails after the final prayer.
Yes, Oh she’ll have a decent burial.
Who knows, margaritas may be appropriate.
An anonymous traditional verse will be hummed, unaccompanied.
And yes, she will be happy in the waste ground and the isolation.
Who knows, she may joke to the ants that she started out this way.
And yes, we shall still celebrate her, like a miraculous birth that all at once died.
There will be a circle of sisters around her, to mimic the men-only funerals.
There will be a ban on tears, but sleet can fall quietly.
And we shall give thanks for her life, for birth, for care, for the tender nurturing.
And there will be a nestful of the valiant there, uncomplaining fledglings.
There will be no gravestone, but everyone will remember it was there that feminism was buried.
Everyone of her stock who has outlived her, a human family.
© 2005, Joseph P. Clancy
A bit of dirt never did anyone harm, was grandma’s belief –Are all men’s words like a blade of grass?
I arranged a burial today at daybreak.
The departed will be buried, with the other cats,
at the far end of the garden.
The herbs on the window sill will know nothing about it.
I shall lift the soil with my bare hands.
I shall talk to the snails after the final prayer.
Yes, Oh she’ll have a decent burial.
Who knows, margaritas may be appropriate.
An anonymous traditional verse will be hummed, unaccompanied.
And yes, she will be happy in the waste ground and the isolation.
Who knows, she may joke to the ants that she started out this way.
And yes, we shall still celebrate her, like a miraculous birth that all at once died.
There will be a circle of sisters around her, to mimic the men-only funerals.
There will be a ban on tears, but sleet can fall quietly.
And we shall give thanks for her life, for birth, for care, for the tender nurturing.
And there will be a nestful of the valiant there, uncomplaining fledglings.
There will be no gravestone, but everyone will remember it was there that feminism was buried.
Everyone of her stock who has outlived her, a human family.
© 2005, Joseph P. Clancy

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère