Poetry International Poetry International

Alfred Brendel

Quite an achievement

Quite an achievement
evening after evening
to pursue on stage
without a trace of fatigue
if not with downright zeal
an activity
which most of us would rather keep private
making love
both reviled and spurred on by the public
painstakingly supervised by the author
on top of it all
has entrusted the lovers with the burden of dialogue
a stunning coup de théâtre it has to be said
this discourse about the supernatural
delivered by the actors with calm assurance
Well-nigh incredible
how here
eight times a week
Saturday afternoons included
evidence is furnished
at the height of passion
reasoning of the appropriate clarity
can help you
blow your mind

Quite an achievement

Wie sie das wohl fertigbringen
Abend für Abend
ohne jeden Anschein der Ermüdung
ja mit zur Schau gestelltem Eifer
einer Tätigkeit nachzugehen
die sonst eher zu Hause abgewickelt wird
sich auf offener Bühne zu lieben
vom Publikum geschmäht oder angefeuert
vom Autor des Stücks sorgfältig überwacht
wobei der Dialog nicht vergessen sei
den er den Akteuren zusätzlich aufbürdet
ein glänzender dramaturgischer Einfall übrigens
dieses Zwiegespräch über das Numinose
von den Darstellern
mit kühler Sicherheit bewältigt
Schier unglaublich
wie hier
achtmal in der Woche
Samstagnachmittage miteingerechnet
der Beweis erbracht wird
daß man
im Gewühl der Sinne
zugleich auch räsonierend
und mit aller gebotenen Klarheit
außer sich geraten kann

Quite an achievement

Quite an achievement
evening after evening
to pursue on stage
without a trace of fatigue
if not with downright zeal
an activity
which most of us would rather keep private
making love
both reviled and spurred on by the public
painstakingly supervised by the author
on top of it all
has entrusted the lovers with the burden of dialogue
a stunning coup de théâtre it has to be said
this discourse about the supernatural
delivered by the actors with calm assurance
Well-nigh incredible
how here
eight times a week
Saturday afternoons included
evidence is furnished
at the height of passion
reasoning of the appropriate clarity
can help you
blow your mind

Quite an achievement

Quite an achievement
evening after evening
to pursue on stage
without a trace of fatigue
if not with downright zeal
an activity
which most of us would rather keep private
making love
both reviled and spurred on by the public
painstakingly supervised by the author
on top of it all
has entrusted the lovers with the burden of dialogue
a stunning coup de théâtre it has to be said
this discourse about the supernatural
delivered by the actors with calm assurance
Well-nigh incredible
how here
eight times a week
Saturday afternoons included
evidence is furnished
at the height of passion
reasoning of the appropriate clarity
can help you
blow your mind
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère