Poetry International Poetry International

Rutger Kopland


The green pastures the still waters
on the wallpaper in my room –
as a frightened child I believed
in wallpaper

when my mother had said prayers for me
and I had been forgiven for one day more
I was left behind among
motionless horses and cattle,
a foundling laid in a world
of grass

now that once again I have to go
through god’s pastures I find no path
to take me back, only a small hand
clasped in mine that tightens
when the enormous bodies
of the cattle grunt and snuffle
with peace.



De grazige weiden de rustige wateren
op het behang van mijn kamer
ik heb geloofd als een bang kind
in behang

als mijn moeder voor mij gebeden
had en mij weer een dag langer
vergeven was bleef ik achter
tussen roerloze paarden en koeien
te vondeling gelegd in een wereld
van gras

nu ik opnieuw door gods landerijen
moet gaan vind ik geen schrede
waarop ik terug kan keren, alleen
een kleine hand in de mijne
die zich verkrampt als de geweldige lijven
van het vee kreunen en snuiven
van vrede.


The green pastures the still waters
on the wallpaper in my room –
as a frightened child I believed
in wallpaper

when my mother had said prayers for me
and I had been forgiven for one day more
I was left behind among
motionless horses and cattle,
a foundling laid in a world
of grass

now that once again I have to go
through god’s pastures I find no path
to take me back, only a small hand
clasped in mine that tightens
when the enormous bodies
of the cattle grunt and snuffle
with peace.


The green pastures the still waters
on the wallpaper in my room –
as a frightened child I believed
in wallpaper

when my mother had said prayers for me
and I had been forgiven for one day more
I was left behind among
motionless horses and cattle,
a foundling laid in a world
of grass

now that once again I have to go
through god’s pastures I find no path
to take me back, only a small hand
clasped in mine that tightens
when the enormous bodies
of the cattle grunt and snuffle
with peace.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère