Poetry International Poetry International

Gerrit Komrij


Calm down – it is over and done,
Your body is shrouded in black –
From trash heaps there’ll soon have begun
To come smoke – just try to hold back.

You know (but for this you know nil)
Your hand does this writing – and what
Is written looks back without chill
Or heat. A vacuum-tight pot.

Nothing avails you, honesty
Or sham. Inside it nothing lies.
Admit this galling travesty –
I’m a poet, I fantasise.



Kalmeer – het is afgelopen,
Het zwart heeft je lijf omhuld –
Straks stijgt uit de afvalhopen
De rook op – oefen geduld.

Je weet (het is al wat je weet)
Dat je hand dit schrijft – en wat
Op schrift staat kijkt koud noch heet
Terug. Een luchtledig vat.

Niets baat je, tussen eerlijkheid
En veinzerij. Niets zit er in.
Erken, terwijl je je verbijt –
Ik ben een dichter, ik verzin.


Calm down – it is over and done,
Your body is shrouded in black –
From trash heaps there’ll soon have begun
To come smoke – just try to hold back.

You know (but for this you know nil)
Your hand does this writing – and what
Is written looks back without chill
Or heat. A vacuum-tight pot.

Nothing avails you, honesty
Or sham. Inside it nothing lies.
Admit this galling travesty –
I’m a poet, I fantasise.


Calm down – it is over and done,
Your body is shrouded in black –
From trash heaps there’ll soon have begun
To come smoke – just try to hold back.

You know (but for this you know nil)
Your hand does this writing – and what
Is written looks back without chill
Or heat. A vacuum-tight pot.

Nothing avails you, honesty
Or sham. Inside it nothing lies.
Admit this galling travesty –
I’m a poet, I fantasise.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère