Cees Nooteboom
Bashõ I
Old man in the middle of reeds suspicion of the poet.He goes his way to the North he composes a book with his eyes.
He writes himself on the water he has lost his master.
Love only in the things cut out of clouds and winds.
This is his calling to visit friends as a farewell.
To gather skulls and lips under swaying skies.
Always the eye’s kiss translated into the fit of words.
Seventeen the holy number in which the apparition is sealed.
Time consumed to a butterfly frozen in stone,
In a tide of marble the sheen of cut fossils.
Here the poet passed on his way to the North.
Here the poet passes forever once.
© Translation: 1997, Sun & Moon Press
From: The Captain of the Butterflies
From: The Captain of the Butterflies
Bashõ I
Bashõ I
Oude man tussen het riet achterdocht van de dichter.Hij gaat op weg naar het Noorden hij maakt een boek met zijn ogen.
Hij schrijft zichzelf op het water hij is zijn meester verloren.
Liefde alleen in de dingen uit wolken en winden gesneden.
Dit is zijn roeping zijn vrienden bezoeken tot afscheid.
Schedels en lippen vergaren onder wuivende luchten.
Altijd de kus van het oog vertaald in de dwang van de woorden.
Zeventien het heilig getal waarin de verschijning bestemd wordt.
Het voorbije verteren bevriest zo versteend als een vlinder.
In een marmer getij de geslepen fossielen.
Hier kwam de dichter voorbij op zijn reis naar het Noorden.
Hier kwam de dichter voor altijd voorgoed voorbij.
© 1989, De Arbeiderspers
From: Het gezicht van het oog
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers,
From: Het gezicht van het oog
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers,
Poems of Cees Nooteboom
Bashõ I
Old man in the middle of reeds suspicion of the poet.He goes his way to the North he composes a book with his eyes.
He writes himself on the water he has lost his master.
Love only in the things cut out of clouds and winds.
This is his calling to visit friends as a farewell.
To gather skulls and lips under swaying skies.
Always the eye’s kiss translated into the fit of words.
Seventeen the holy number in which the apparition is sealed.
Time consumed to a butterfly frozen in stone,
In a tide of marble the sheen of cut fossils.
Here the poet passed on his way to the North.
Here the poet passes forever once.
© 1997, Sun & Moon Press
From: The Captain of the Butterflies
From: The Captain of the Butterflies
Bashõ I
Old man in the middle of reeds suspicion of the poet.He goes his way to the North he composes a book with his eyes.
He writes himself on the water he has lost his master.
Love only in the things cut out of clouds and winds.
This is his calling to visit friends as a farewell.
To gather skulls and lips under swaying skies.
Always the eye’s kiss translated into the fit of words.
Seventeen the holy number in which the apparition is sealed.
Time consumed to a butterfly frozen in stone,
In a tide of marble the sheen of cut fossils.
Here the poet passed on his way to the North.
Here the poet passes forever once.
© 1997, Sun & Moon Press
From: The Captain of the Butterflies
From: The Captain of the Butterflies

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère