Poetry International Poetry International

Antonella Anedda


The kitchen is a promontory. The pans are reefs eaten by a wolf-wind that blows and runs

in circles on the island. The railing is a grey gust, his mate our sharp sister. Just awaken

we are the birds bent over the sink, tired of the nightly migration, confused by the rockets

that pelt our dreams.

In the entire painting it is winter.
In the music on the radio hail tolls.
Its white vibrates on the antennas and the balcony.
With its compassionate cloud muzzle
dawn drives us to life.



La cucina è un promontorio. Le pentole sono scogli divorati da un vento-lupo che soffia
e corre in cerchio nell’isola. La ringhiera della finestra è una raffica grigia, sua compagna
nostra sorella aguzza. Appena svegli noi siamo gli uccelli chini sul lavabo, stanchi della
migrazione notturna, confusi dai razzi che percuotono i sogni.

In tutto il quadro è inverno.
Nella musica della radio rintocca la grandine.  
Il suo bianco vibra sulle antenne e il balcone.
Con il suo muso di nuvola pietosa
l’alba ci spinge alla vita.


The kitchen is a promontory. The pans are reefs eaten by a wolf-wind that blows and runs

in circles on the island. The railing is a grey gust, his mate our sharp sister. Just awaken

we are the birds bent over the sink, tired of the nightly migration, confused by the rockets

that pelt our dreams.

In the entire painting it is winter.
In the music on the radio hail tolls.
Its white vibrates on the antennas and the balcony.
With its compassionate cloud muzzle
dawn drives us to life.


The kitchen is a promontory. The pans are reefs eaten by a wolf-wind that blows and runs

in circles on the island. The railing is a grey gust, his mate our sharp sister. Just awaken

we are the birds bent over the sink, tired of the nightly migration, confused by the rockets

that pelt our dreams.

In the entire painting it is winter.
In the music on the radio hail tolls.
Its white vibrates on the antennas and the balcony.
With its compassionate cloud muzzle
dawn drives us to life.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère