Poetry International Poetry International

Cornelia Hülmbauer


crusty bread
crumbling hunger

turn your stomach
spit it out

harvest wholeheartedly
burn chaff
if wheat molds
the last hope remains hops
& lard

the aunts lick their lips
the uncles put their feet down
the aunts serve cold plates
the uncles don't need cutlery

knife fork
cut jab
smock apron
bare your skin
& the light's on in the cellar

the girl has to go like that
the brat needs an abortion
the girl's a young lady
the young lady's ready for anything 

childhood leaden child
bye baby bye child

blue baby bellows
breath nothing but wind 

the asylum has reckoned
the asylum charges you pay
the asylum blunts your teeth
the asylum counts to eight 

once is never
once again is a must
once isn't enough
once doesn't count

grandma says don't be such a smarty pants
grandma says you think you're too good
grandma says everyone should know their place
grandma says you're just a silly girl

the difference between people
between girl and man
holes to plug if you can
he has the last laugh


grappen brood
brokken honger
breek nu sporen
spuug het uit

oogst maar ernstig
stook het kaf
als tarwe schimmelt
blijft de hop toch
& het smout

tantes likken met hun lippen
ooms slaan met de vuist op tafel
tantes maken koude schotels
ooms die hoeven geen bestek

mes en vork
snede steek
stofjas schrank
toon je glans
& de kelder brandt er licht

meisje moet zo door
blaag moet weggespoeld
meisje is een juffrouw
juffrouw is niets te volwassen

bijkind loodzwaar kind
bye baby bye kind
blauw baby blaas balg
adem ook maar wind

de inrichting heeft geraamd
de inrichting taalt jij betaalt
de inrichting pakt je tanden af
de inrichting telt je uit

één keer is geen keer
nóg een keer is plicht
één keer vraagt een tweede keer
tot één keer tel je niet

omama zegt stel je niet zo aan
omama zegt denk je dat je beter bent
omama zegt ieder kent zijn plek
omama zegt wat ben je een dom mens

wat het mens van de mens scheidt
wat het meisje van de man
gaten die je dichten moet
lachen mag wie kan


scherze brot
bröckle hunger
breche spuren
spucke weg 

ernte ernsthaft
heize spreu
schimmelt weizen
bleibt der hopfen
& das schmalz

die tanten lecken sich die lippen
die onkel hauen auf den tisch
die tanten machen kalte platten
die onkel brauchen kein besteck

messer gabel
schneide stich
kittel schürze
ziehe blank
& im keller brennt das licht

das mädchen muss so fort
das fratzchen zum abort
das mädchen ist ein fräulein
dem fräulein ist nichts zu erwachsen

beikind bleikind
bye baby bye kind
blau baby blas balg
atem auch nur wind 

die anstalt hat veranschlagt
die anstalt schallt du zahlst
die anstalt nimmt dir zähne
die anstalt zählt dich an 

einmal ist keinmal
noch einmal ist eine pflicht

einmal braucht ein zweites mal
bis einmal zählt man nicht 

die omama sagt tu nicht gar so gscheit
die omama sagt glaubst du bist was besseres
die omama sagt jeder hat den seinen platz
die omama sagt bist halt nur ein blödes mensch 

was das mensch vom menschen trennt
was das mädl von dem man

löcher die zu stopfen sind
lache der der kann



crusty bread
crumbling hunger

turn your stomach
spit it out

harvest wholeheartedly
burn chaff
if wheat molds
the last hope remains hops
& lard

the aunts lick their lips
the uncles put their feet down
the aunts serve cold plates
the uncles don't need cutlery

knife fork
cut jab
smock apron
bare your skin
& the light's on in the cellar

the girl has to go like that
the brat needs an abortion
the girl's a young lady
the young lady's ready for anything 

childhood leaden child
bye baby bye child

blue baby bellows
breath nothing but wind 

the asylum has reckoned
the asylum charges you pay
the asylum blunts your teeth
the asylum counts to eight 

once is never
once again is a must
once isn't enough
once doesn't count

grandma says don't be such a smarty pants
grandma says you think you're too good
grandma says everyone should know their place
grandma says you're just a silly girl

the difference between people
between girl and man
holes to plug if you can
he has the last laugh


crusty bread
crumbling hunger

turn your stomach
spit it out

harvest wholeheartedly
burn chaff
if wheat molds
the last hope remains hops
& lard

the aunts lick their lips
the uncles put their feet down
the aunts serve cold plates
the uncles don't need cutlery

knife fork
cut jab
smock apron
bare your skin
& the light's on in the cellar

the girl has to go like that
the brat needs an abortion
the girl's a young lady
the young lady's ready for anything 

childhood leaden child
bye baby bye child

blue baby bellows
breath nothing but wind 

the asylum has reckoned
the asylum charges you pay
the asylum blunts your teeth
the asylum counts to eight 

once is never
once again is a must
once isn't enough
once doesn't count

grandma says don't be such a smarty pants
grandma says you think you're too good
grandma says everyone should know their place
grandma says you're just a silly girl

the difference between people
between girl and man
holes to plug if you can
he has the last laugh

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère