Carmien Michels
British Grannies
The British ladywho went ballroom dancing on Sundays
coming that way by her weekly shag
in the Royal Festival Hall
Swishing her artificial hip
old goats are horniest around noon
Eyes twinkling pinching young waiters
in their parts of the world
cheek bulging with her tongue
stuffing tips in their perplexed palms
promises of pink back rooms
I had to swear to my friend I’d never
write about the ball-pincher
nor about her libertine girlish grin
cycling for the first time without help
honk honk in those lads’ tooters
it was her gran
I swore that otherwise acid would dissolve me
dripping from the corners of my mouth down my chin
taking away my tongue and
my chance to sign contracts worth millions
for poems like these
without saliva stains
Many years passed
my friend’s address drowned
in a yellow sea of costly censorship
I’m selling my unsent letters
as readymade wash-mitts
grabbing granny sent a postcard
greetings from Compostela
© Translation: 2017, Carmien Michels
Britse oma\'s
Britse oma\'s
Die Britse damedie op zondag aan ballroomdansen deed
zo aan haar wekelijkse wip kwam
in de Royal Festival Hall
Zwiepend met haar kunstheup
ouwe geiten zijn het geilst around noon
Pretlichtjes om jonge obers van de ballroom
in hun werelddelen te knijpen
de wang bollend met haar tong
fooien in hun perplexe palmen moffelend
beloftes op roze achterkamers
Ik moest mijn vriendin zweren nooit over
de ballenknijper te schrijven
niet over haar vrije grijns van meisjes
die voor het eerst fietsen zonder stok
pwet pwet in de toeters van die knapen
het was haar oma
Ik zwoer het of het zuur zou me opbreken
uit mijn mondhoeken de klim over mijn kin druipen
en zo zou ik nooit meer kunnen spreken
of miljoenencontracten tekenen
voor gedichten als deze
zonder zevervlekken
Vele jaren verstreken
het adres van mijn vriendin is verzopen
in een geel meer van duurbetaalde censuur
mijn overstuurde brieven verkoop ik
als kant-en-klare washandjes
graaiende granny stuurde een postkaart
groetjes uit Compostela
© 2017, Carmien Michels
From: We komen van ver
Publisher: Polis, Antwerpen
From: We komen van ver
Publisher: Polis, Antwerpen
Poems of Carmien Michels
British Grannies
The British ladywho went ballroom dancing on Sundays
coming that way by her weekly shag
in the Royal Festival Hall
Swishing her artificial hip
old goats are horniest around noon
Eyes twinkling pinching young waiters
in their parts of the world
cheek bulging with her tongue
stuffing tips in their perplexed palms
promises of pink back rooms
I had to swear to my friend I’d never
write about the ball-pincher
nor about her libertine girlish grin
cycling for the first time without help
honk honk in those lads’ tooters
it was her gran
I swore that otherwise acid would dissolve me
dripping from the corners of my mouth down my chin
taking away my tongue and
my chance to sign contracts worth millions
for poems like these
without saliva stains
Many years passed
my friend’s address drowned
in a yellow sea of costly censorship
I’m selling my unsent letters
as readymade wash-mitts
grabbing granny sent a postcard
greetings from Compostela
© 2017, Carmien Michels
From: We komen van ver
From: We komen van ver
British Grannies
The British ladywho went ballroom dancing on Sundays
coming that way by her weekly shag
in the Royal Festival Hall
Swishing her artificial hip
old goats are horniest around noon
Eyes twinkling pinching young waiters
in their parts of the world
cheek bulging with her tongue
stuffing tips in their perplexed palms
promises of pink back rooms
I had to swear to my friend I’d never
write about the ball-pincher
nor about her libertine girlish grin
cycling for the first time without help
honk honk in those lads’ tooters
it was her gran
I swore that otherwise acid would dissolve me
dripping from the corners of my mouth down my chin
taking away my tongue and
my chance to sign contracts worth millions
for poems like these
without saliva stains
Many years passed
my friend’s address drowned
in a yellow sea of costly censorship
I’m selling my unsent letters
as readymade wash-mitts
grabbing granny sent a postcard
greetings from Compostela
© 2017, Carmien Michels

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère