Asha Karami
inspiration porn: caviar and microwaved droppingscolour: antigreen
or ozone
feelings, herds
like electronics everything is unjust
this will be called a destructive intervention.
sometimes the damage doesn’t match the situation
unless on the first day. riot police at pre-event events.
e.g. if you get tiramisu ice-cream on your moustache it smells like
or tourist destinations.
the relationship between wealth and property. in other words,
this relationship is not based on today’s philosophy
like the man with his mouth hanging open
you can’t call people criminals, but they are ugly.
unpunished torture leads to collaboration with others.
the sun freezes, the water too high and the chicken too hard
rules are rules and never go viral.
i was grateful to arrive home lonely and alone
hey you gonna rinse your mouth out too and start eating healthy
inspiratieporno: kaviaar en keutels in de magnetronkleur: anti-groen
of ozon
gevoelens, kuddes
zoals elektronica is alles onrechtvaardig
dit wordt een destructieve interventie genoemd.
soms komt de schade niet overeen met de toestand
hetzij op de eerste dag. oproerpolitie op pre-event-evenementen.
voorbeeld: als je tiramisu-ijs op je snor krijgt ruikt het naar
of toeristische bestemmingen.
de relatie tussen rijkdom of eigendom. met andere woorden,
de realiteit
deze relatie is niet gebaseerd op de filosofie van vandaag
net als de man met open mond
mensen kunnen geen criminelen worden genoemd, maar ze zijn
ongestrafte foltering leidt tot samenwerking met anderen.
de zon weigert, het water te hoog en de kip te hard
regels zijn regels en gaan nooit viraal.
ik was dankbaar dat ik, toen ik thuiskwam, eenzaam was en
alleen was
hey ga jij ook je bek spoelen en gezonder eten
© 2020, Asha Karami
From: Godface
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Godface
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Asha Karami
inspiration porn: caviar and microwaved droppingscolour: antigreen
or ozone
feelings, herds
like electronics everything is unjust
this will be called a destructive intervention.
sometimes the damage doesn’t match the situation
unless on the first day. riot police at pre-event events.
e.g. if you get tiramisu ice-cream on your moustache it smells like
or tourist destinations.
the relationship between wealth and property. in other words,
this relationship is not based on today’s philosophy
like the man with his mouth hanging open
you can’t call people criminals, but they are ugly.
unpunished torture leads to collaboration with others.
the sun freezes, the water too high and the chicken too hard
rules are rules and never go viral.
i was grateful to arrive home lonely and alone
hey you gonna rinse your mouth out too and start eating healthy
From: Godface
inspiration porn: caviar and microwaved droppingscolour: antigreen
or ozone
feelings, herds
like electronics everything is unjust
this will be called a destructive intervention.
sometimes the damage doesn’t match the situation
unless on the first day. riot police at pre-event events.
e.g. if you get tiramisu ice-cream on your moustache it smells like
or tourist destinations.
the relationship between wealth and property. in other words,
this relationship is not based on today’s philosophy
like the man with his mouth hanging open
you can’t call people criminals, but they are ugly.
unpunished torture leads to collaboration with others.
the sun freezes, the water too high and the chicken too hard
rules are rules and never go viral.
i was grateful to arrive home lonely and alone
hey you gonna rinse your mouth out too and start eating healthy
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