Poetry International Poetry International

Moikom Zeqo


The chairs, the chairs,
do they have wombs?
Wooden brides, paper grooms,
meeting solemn as weddings.
The telephones—official griffins
that snarl and turn everything to stone.
The man dissolves slowly into his chair:
mixes, enters, quivers—amazing!
The papered chair feels heavy
as the embryo is formed inside her.
Then the chair pulls the man back out,
same age, same features,
one antibirth, completely different.
The chair’s womb doubles with joy—
the father, who’s also the son.



Karriget, karriget,
mitra a kanë?
Nuse të drunjta, dhëndër prej letre,
mbledhje, që kanë solemnitet martese,
telefonat rrinë – grifona zyrtarë,
pak të hungërojnë, të gurëzojnë të gjallë,
njeriu tretet te karrigia ngadalë:
mplekset, futet, dridhet – ç’ngashërim!
Karrigia nazike ndien një rëndim
nga brenda saj embrioni u lidh,
karrigia e thith, e nxjerr prap njerinë –
e njëjta moshë, të njëjtat tipare
një antilindje, e tjetërsuar fare.
Mitra e karriges dyfishon me hir
atin, që është njëkohësisht dhe . . . bir!


The chairs, the chairs,
do they have wombs?
Wooden brides, paper grooms,
meeting solemn as weddings.
The telephones—official griffins
that snarl and turn everything to stone.
The man dissolves slowly into his chair:
mixes, enters, quivers—amazing!
The papered chair feels heavy
as the embryo is formed inside her.
Then the chair pulls the man back out,
same age, same features,
one antibirth, completely different.
The chair’s womb doubles with joy—
the father, who’s also the son.


The chairs, the chairs,
do they have wombs?
Wooden brides, paper grooms,
meeting solemn as weddings.
The telephones—official griffins
that snarl and turn everything to stone.
The man dissolves slowly into his chair:
mixes, enters, quivers—amazing!
The papered chair feels heavy
as the embryo is formed inside her.
Then the chair pulls the man back out,
same age, same features,
one antibirth, completely different.
The chair’s womb doubles with joy—
the father, who’s also the son.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère