Magda Carneci
Morning is dawning:There’s hissing, hollering, croaking, and chirping
an animal whiff electrifies air and water
impregnates the ploughed fields,
the streets and metro
I begin
I soar gently above the earth
I am the living film that swallows everything
and excretes nothing
I cover mountain shapes
and civilization towers in my sweet sputum
I delicately pulsate in kindergartens
and on the bottom of the ocean
My mother is the vulva of all mammals
My father is the universal sperm
I am tickled by serpents and worms
I am pricked by hedgehogs and moles
I am hurt by fish and vultures
I am maddened by platypuses and chameleons
My DNA genes are extracted
from too many failed animal experiments
they are spread into too many lapsed prototypes
set in motion before time
(I no longer recognize myself in so many derivations and ramifications / Instinct falters, stumbles, and tends to leave me)
I was once protein and molecule, I was virus, bacteria, I was an alga and protozoa, then a tiny earthworm and a fish with a dorsal fin, and salamander, and mole cricket, I was a snake and turtle dove and a bitch's pup, I have tentatively put myself in various formulas,
letting myself go and taking the easy way out
I have loved myself and hated myself
I have abandoned myself and sidestepped myself
a creature of ever lesser body and ever more imagination
I chirp, coo, croak/ I speak, murmur, whisper/ I ripple, rustle, undulate/ I visualize, imagine, think/ calculate, project, program/ contemplate, void my mind, meditate/
I am quietus, darkness and cosmic space/ I am light and silence & silence & silence
I am not interested in the color of one's skin and in national idioms
these furs of human subspecies are about to become extinct
I communicate by vibrations with frogs, hares, and panthers
cats have conquered the Internet,
dogs have taken charge of moral professions
pets civilize and tame us
zoology has stormed humanism and folk rallies
I must reintegrate it
Soon it will be noon:
I have bitten, crushed, torn, eaten
the water, air, dust, and vegetation of this seething planet
have seeped through me
I have metabolized and refined them
Heart and frenzy are my personal contribution
Yet slaughterhouses bustle with activity
fur and ivory hunters howl
butcher's shops are packed
for humans crave meat, meat, and meat again
and rivers of blood
climb through capillaries from the urban underground
to their suspended drugged brains
so they forget they are eating themselves
and drinking their own blood
Then they chant hymns of praise and supplication, they erect cathedrals of good faith.
Now that the machinery is slowing down
tigers are no longer afraid of me
they befriend lambs and doves
Mice suckle at the tits of felines
gazelles embrace panthers and jackals
goat and sheep herds graze carefully
protective of the ants and locusts in the furrows
Elephants tread gingerly amid quail eggs
And when the machinery finally stops
rhinos and crocodiles want to get rid of their fangs, scales and claws
turtles want to abandon their millenary shell
gophers and mongooses clamor for my love, love
cattle wish to learn grammatical rules
But I have not yet managed to wake up completely.
I still need to digest the fear of baby birds in nests
the perfidy of venomous snakes, the fury of rutting lionesses
the vanity of peacocks, the paranoia of multiplying insects
(My digestive tract rumbles with poison and pity)
It is almost evening:
I observe how each species freezes in its evolutionary guile
in its clever play with nature, in its small adaptation trick
I swallow Darwin, we need to move onward
in labs I assay a new life formula
I mix my terrestrial DNA with super solar genetics
Ontogeny overtakes phylogeny and heads to the outer space
Cosmogenesis is a leap into the abyss
The abyss is replete with angels and extraterrestrial creatures
They are waiting for us, they carry our future heads on their shoulders
We once were pure light
Now we are excreting, painful light
Light wants us back, pure and alive
Morning is breaking again:
When I die I will return to the organic mush
there I will coordinate for takeoff
and present our beloved circus
the planetary zoo
to Mother Life, Mother Love
at the judgment of stellar hierarchies.
Birds and mammals stream out of the nexus of my heart
I will take them to the skies
I will turn them to splendor.
© Translation: 2018, Alina Carac
Se face de dimineață :Se aud șuierături, țipete, croncănituri, ciripituri
o boare animală electrizează aerul, apa
impregnează câmpurile arate, străzile și metroul
Am început.
Mă înalț încetișor deasupra Pământului
sunt pelicula vie care înghite tot și excretează un pic de căldură
Acopăr cu sputa mea dulce relieful muntos și turnurile civilizaționale
pulsez delicat în creșe și pe fundul oceanului
Mama mea e vulva tuturor mamiferelor
Tatăl meu e sperma universală
Mă gâdilă șerpii și râmele
Mă înțeapă aricii și cârtițele
Mă dor peștii și vulturii
Mă înnebunesc ornitorincii și cameleonii
Genele ADN-ului meu sunt extrase
din prea multe experimente animale ratate
sunt împrăștiate în prea multe prototipuri abandonate
puse în mișcare înainte de vreme
(Nu mă mai recunosc în atâtea derivate și ramificații / instinctul bâjbâie, se împiedică și vrea să mă lase)
Am fost proteină și moleculă cândva, am fost virus, bacterie, am fost algă și protozoar/ apoi m-am făcut râmă minusculă și pește cu aripioară dorsală, am fost salamandră și coropișniță/ am devenit șarpe și turturică și pui de cățea / m-am încercat în diverse formule, m-am complăcut în carcase ciudate
m-am iubit și m-am urât,
m-am adorat și m-am părăsit, am sărit peste mine
vietate cu din ce în ce mai puțin trup și din ce în ce mai multă închipuire
(Ciripesc, uguiesc, croncănesc/ vorbesc, murmur, șoptesc/ susur, foșnesc, unduiesc/ vizualizez, imaginez, gândesc/ calculez, proiectez, programez / contemplu, mă videz mental, meditez/ sunt tăcere, întuneric și spațiu cosmic / sunt lumină și liniște, liniște, liniște )
Nu mă mai interesează culoarea pielii și limbile naționale
aceste penaje de subspecii umane sunt pe cale de dispariție
Comunic vibratoriu cu broaștele, iepurii și panterele
pompez imaginație în unicorni, dragoni și alte animale fantastice
pisicile au cucerit internetul, câinii au luat cu asalt profesiunile morale
animalele domestice ne civilizează și ne îmblânzesc
zoologia asediază umanismul și adunările populare
trebuie să o reintegrez
Se face amiază:
Am mușcat, rupt, zdrobit, am mâncat
A trecut prin mine apa și aerul, praful și
vegetația acestei clocotitoare planete
Le-am metabolizat, le-am îmblânzit, le-am rafinat
Inimă și nebunie le-am adăugat de la mine
Dar vuiesc abatoarele, urlă vânătorii de blănuri și fildeș, gem măcelăriile
căci umanii vor carne, carne, carne, iar carne
și râuri de sânge prin subteranele urbane urcă tăcut
la creierele lor suspendate, drogate
uitând că se mănâncă pe sine și-și beau propriul sânge
Iar apoi cântă coruri de rugă și laudă, înalță catedrale de bună credință.
Dar acum că mașinăria încetinește
tigrilor nu le mai e frică de mine, se împacă cu mieii și porumbeii
șoarecii sug la sfârcul felinelor
gazelele se pupă în bot cu panterele și șacalii
turmele de capre și oi pasc cu grijă, ferind furnicile
și lăcustele dintre brazde
Elefanții pășesc delicat printre ouă de prepeliță
Când în fine se oprește lent mașinăria
rinocerii și crocodilii eliberați vor să scape de colți, solzi și de gheare
broaștele țestoase vor să scape de carapacea lor milenară
popândăii și mangustele îmi cer dragoste, dragoste
vitele vor să învețe regulile gramaticale
Dar eu nu am reușit în întregime să mă trezesc.
Trebuie încă să diger frica puilor de păsări din cuiburi
viclenia șerpilor veninoși, furia leoaicelor în rut
vanitatea păunilor, paranoia înmulțirii insectelor
(Aparatul meu digestiv duduie de otravă și milă )
Se face de seară:
Observ blocajul fiecărei specii în găselnița ei adaptativă
în jocul ei viclean cu natura, în mica ei șmecherie evolutivă
Îl înghit pe Darwin, trebuie mers mai departe
în laboratoare încerc o nouă formulă de viață
îmi combin ADN-ul terestru cu genetica suprasolară
Ontogeneza mea depășește filogeneza și se îndreaptă spre cosmos
Cosmogeneza e un salt în abis
Abisul geme de îngeri și extratereștri, ei ne așteaptă
și poartă pe umeri capetele noastre viitoare
Am fost lumină pură cândva
Lumină dureroasă suntem acum
Lumina ne vrea înapoi, vii și puri
Se face iarăși de dimineață:
Când voi muri, mă voi întoarce în colcăiala organică
de acolo voi organiza decolarea
prezentând circul nostru iubit, grădina zoologică planetară
Mamei viață, Mamei iubire
La judecata ierarhiilor astrale
Păsări și mamifere curg în valuri din mijlocul pieptului meu
Păsări și mamifere intră în șuvoaie în centrul inimii mele
Am să-i iau în cer, am să-i transform în splendoare.
© 2018, Magda Carneci
Poems of Magda Carneci
Morning is dawning:There’s hissing, hollering, croaking, and chirping
an animal whiff electrifies air and water
impregnates the ploughed fields,
the streets and metro
I begin
I soar gently above the earth
I am the living film that swallows everything
and excretes nothing
I cover mountain shapes
and civilization towers in my sweet sputum
I delicately pulsate in kindergartens
and on the bottom of the ocean
My mother is the vulva of all mammals
My father is the universal sperm
I am tickled by serpents and worms
I am pricked by hedgehogs and moles
I am hurt by fish and vultures
I am maddened by platypuses and chameleons
My DNA genes are extracted
from too many failed animal experiments
they are spread into too many lapsed prototypes
set in motion before time
(I no longer recognize myself in so many derivations and ramifications / Instinct falters, stumbles, and tends to leave me)
I was once protein and molecule, I was virus, bacteria, I was an alga and protozoa, then a tiny earthworm and a fish with a dorsal fin, and salamander, and mole cricket, I was a snake and turtle dove and a bitch's pup, I have tentatively put myself in various formulas,
letting myself go and taking the easy way out
I have loved myself and hated myself
I have abandoned myself and sidestepped myself
a creature of ever lesser body and ever more imagination
I chirp, coo, croak/ I speak, murmur, whisper/ I ripple, rustle, undulate/ I visualize, imagine, think/ calculate, project, program/ contemplate, void my mind, meditate/
I am quietus, darkness and cosmic space/ I am light and silence & silence & silence
I am not interested in the color of one's skin and in national idioms
these furs of human subspecies are about to become extinct
I communicate by vibrations with frogs, hares, and panthers
cats have conquered the Internet,
dogs have taken charge of moral professions
pets civilize and tame us
zoology has stormed humanism and folk rallies
I must reintegrate it
Soon it will be noon:
I have bitten, crushed, torn, eaten
the water, air, dust, and vegetation of this seething planet
have seeped through me
I have metabolized and refined them
Heart and frenzy are my personal contribution
Yet slaughterhouses bustle with activity
fur and ivory hunters howl
butcher's shops are packed
for humans crave meat, meat, and meat again
and rivers of blood
climb through capillaries from the urban underground
to their suspended drugged brains
so they forget they are eating themselves
and drinking their own blood
Then they chant hymns of praise and supplication, they erect cathedrals of good faith.
Now that the machinery is slowing down
tigers are no longer afraid of me
they befriend lambs and doves
Mice suckle at the tits of felines
gazelles embrace panthers and jackals
goat and sheep herds graze carefully
protective of the ants and locusts in the furrows
Elephants tread gingerly amid quail eggs
And when the machinery finally stops
rhinos and crocodiles want to get rid of their fangs, scales and claws
turtles want to abandon their millenary shell
gophers and mongooses clamor for my love, love
cattle wish to learn grammatical rules
But I have not yet managed to wake up completely.
I still need to digest the fear of baby birds in nests
the perfidy of venomous snakes, the fury of rutting lionesses
the vanity of peacocks, the paranoia of multiplying insects
(My digestive tract rumbles with poison and pity)
It is almost evening:
I observe how each species freezes in its evolutionary guile
in its clever play with nature, in its small adaptation trick
I swallow Darwin, we need to move onward
in labs I assay a new life formula
I mix my terrestrial DNA with super solar genetics
Ontogeny overtakes phylogeny and heads to the outer space
Cosmogenesis is a leap into the abyss
The abyss is replete with angels and extraterrestrial creatures
They are waiting for us, they carry our future heads on their shoulders
We once were pure light
Now we are excreting, painful light
Light wants us back, pure and alive
Morning is breaking again:
When I die I will return to the organic mush
there I will coordinate for takeoff
and present our beloved circus
the planetary zoo
to Mother Life, Mother Love
at the judgment of stellar hierarchies.
Birds and mammals stream out of the nexus of my heart
I will take them to the skies
I will turn them to splendor.
© 2018, Alina Carac
Morning is dawning:There’s hissing, hollering, croaking, and chirping
an animal whiff electrifies air and water
impregnates the ploughed fields,
the streets and metro
I begin
I soar gently above the earth
I am the living film that swallows everything
and excretes nothing
I cover mountain shapes
and civilization towers in my sweet sputum
I delicately pulsate in kindergartens
and on the bottom of the ocean
My mother is the vulva of all mammals
My father is the universal sperm
I am tickled by serpents and worms
I am pricked by hedgehogs and moles
I am hurt by fish and vultures
I am maddened by platypuses and chameleons
My DNA genes are extracted
from too many failed animal experiments
they are spread into too many lapsed prototypes
set in motion before time
(I no longer recognize myself in so many derivations and ramifications / Instinct falters, stumbles, and tends to leave me)
I was once protein and molecule, I was virus, bacteria, I was an alga and protozoa, then a tiny earthworm and a fish with a dorsal fin, and salamander, and mole cricket, I was a snake and turtle dove and a bitch's pup, I have tentatively put myself in various formulas,
letting myself go and taking the easy way out
I have loved myself and hated myself
I have abandoned myself and sidestepped myself
a creature of ever lesser body and ever more imagination
I chirp, coo, croak/ I speak, murmur, whisper/ I ripple, rustle, undulate/ I visualize, imagine, think/ calculate, project, program/ contemplate, void my mind, meditate/
I am quietus, darkness and cosmic space/ I am light and silence & silence & silence
I am not interested in the color of one's skin and in national idioms
these furs of human subspecies are about to become extinct
I communicate by vibrations with frogs, hares, and panthers
cats have conquered the Internet,
dogs have taken charge of moral professions
pets civilize and tame us
zoology has stormed humanism and folk rallies
I must reintegrate it
Soon it will be noon:
I have bitten, crushed, torn, eaten
the water, air, dust, and vegetation of this seething planet
have seeped through me
I have metabolized and refined them
Heart and frenzy are my personal contribution
Yet slaughterhouses bustle with activity
fur and ivory hunters howl
butcher's shops are packed
for humans crave meat, meat, and meat again
and rivers of blood
climb through capillaries from the urban underground
to their suspended drugged brains
so they forget they are eating themselves
and drinking their own blood
Then they chant hymns of praise and supplication, they erect cathedrals of good faith.
Now that the machinery is slowing down
tigers are no longer afraid of me
they befriend lambs and doves
Mice suckle at the tits of felines
gazelles embrace panthers and jackals
goat and sheep herds graze carefully
protective of the ants and locusts in the furrows
Elephants tread gingerly amid quail eggs
And when the machinery finally stops
rhinos and crocodiles want to get rid of their fangs, scales and claws
turtles want to abandon their millenary shell
gophers and mongooses clamor for my love, love
cattle wish to learn grammatical rules
But I have not yet managed to wake up completely.
I still need to digest the fear of baby birds in nests
the perfidy of venomous snakes, the fury of rutting lionesses
the vanity of peacocks, the paranoia of multiplying insects
(My digestive tract rumbles with poison and pity)
It is almost evening:
I observe how each species freezes in its evolutionary guile
in its clever play with nature, in its small adaptation trick
I swallow Darwin, we need to move onward
in labs I assay a new life formula
I mix my terrestrial DNA with super solar genetics
Ontogeny overtakes phylogeny and heads to the outer space
Cosmogenesis is a leap into the abyss
The abyss is replete with angels and extraterrestrial creatures
They are waiting for us, they carry our future heads on their shoulders
We once were pure light
Now we are excreting, painful light
Light wants us back, pure and alive
Morning is breaking again:
When I die I will return to the organic mush
there I will coordinate for takeoff
and present our beloved circus
the planetary zoo
to Mother Life, Mother Love
at the judgment of stellar hierarchies.
Birds and mammals stream out of the nexus of my heart
I will take them to the skies
I will turn them to splendor.
© 2018, Alina Carac
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère