Harry Josephine Giles
aa yird, ey pa, ii chaak, oa gress, eu sea: thee soond,no a chantan o atoms but a sang o shaeds:
aa, braad broun, lippered ower the wey an the grund
as deid haither an sharn, ploud field an soldier heid,
the iper an the muild whaar ony shaed mey thrive;
ey, primula scotica, here kent an huntid
een tae feet an spied an celebratid, coontid;
ii, ower white, shell white, wind white, egg white, aff white,
high-holy clood an grottie buckie, currency
an common weal; oa, will-willan yowe gaen mossy,
but nivver a tree? ach, stoup thee nivver a tree;
eu, me hamelt first an uncan last, aald aa roun,
stourie tide, in yin airt, an yin, aff tae Bergen
an ferivver, an aye me ee. Muscle o ee.
Yird: earth. Pa: purple fabric. Thee: your. Chantan: affected speech. Lippered: spilt.
Sharn: dung. Soldier: a weed (ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata). Iper: foul ooze.
Muild: soil. Kent: known. Een: eyes. Grottie buckie: a shell (cowrie, Cypraea europaea).
Weal: wealth, wellbeing. Will-willan: straying in the mind. Yowe: ewe. Stoup: shut up.
Hamelt: homely (or, only as tabu name, wife). Uncan: strange. Stourie: dusty, stormy.
Tide: tide, sea, time. Yin: that. Airt: direction. Aye: always.
© 2018, Harry Josephine Giles
From: The Games
Publisher: Out-Spoken,
First published in minnmouth (Alec Finlay, 2017)
From: The Games
Publisher: Out-Spoken,

Harry Josephine Giles
(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1986)
The work of Harry Josephine Giles is characterised by a serious approach to play and a radical engagement with politics, and generally occurs, in their words, “in the crunchy places where performance and politics get muddled up”. They have won and been shortlisted for a number of awards, making the shortlist of the Forward Prize for Best First Collection with Tonguit in 2016, and that of the 20...
Poems of Harry Josephine Giles
aa yird, ey pa, ii chaak, oa gress, eu sea: thee soond,no a chantan o atoms but a sang o shaeds:
aa, braad broun, lippered ower the wey an the grund
as deid haither an sharn, ploud field an soldier heid,
the iper an the muild whaar ony shaed mey thrive;
ey, primula scotica, here kent an huntid
een tae feet an spied an celebratid, coontid;
ii, ower white, shell white, wind white, egg white, aff white,
high-holy clood an grottie buckie, currency
an common weal; oa, will-willan yowe gaen mossy,
but nivver a tree? ach, stoup thee nivver a tree;
eu, me hamelt first an uncan last, aald aa roun,
stourie tide, in yin airt, an yin, aff tae Bergen
an ferivver, an aye me ee. Muscle o ee.
Yird: earth. Pa: purple fabric. Thee: your. Chantan: affected speech. Lippered: spilt.
Sharn: dung. Soldier: a weed (ribwort plantain, Plantago lanceolata). Iper: foul ooze.
Muild: soil. Kent: known. Een: eyes. Grottie buckie: a shell (cowrie, Cypraea europaea).
Weal: wealth, wellbeing. Will-willan: straying in the mind. Yowe: ewe. Stoup: shut up.
Hamelt: homely (or, only as tabu name, wife). Uncan: strange. Stourie: dusty, stormy.
Tide: tide, sea, time. Yin: that. Airt: direction. Aye: always.
From: The Games
First published in minnmouth (Alec Finlay, 2017)

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère