Luisa Futoransky
All the efficacy of namesthat the imaginary laboriously fabricated to fascinate you
silently falls apart:
a rich cemetery of ashes
this is today your geography
You learnt at the expense of your youth
and the better part of your innocence
that being alone in a bereft suburb of the pampas
or in lavish Samarkand
bears the same dimension of forgottenness and tragedy;
the wind never took the pity to scatter
the stones and the dead; only the tourists of somberness
photograph themselves before colored panes
because to say country is to utter just one word
behind it the density of secret combinations
headstones belonging to strangers who bear our name
and faded photographs that preserve the echo of your passage
towards love or despair.
It is also the memory of wearisome jobs
or perhaps some old melody
that holds on to the first risks of your youth.
A country is a name
and with acid violence it lends a word
to your defenseless traveler’s mouth.
It is a map with a river whose estuary and source
come together, curiously, at the exact point on earth
that your ossuary wishes to fertilize.
It’s these daybreaks, insomnias, greetings, anger,
an arm, a man, nicknames, insults,
farewells, gardens, encounters, tremors,
promises, autumns, rails, challenges,
absolute nouns that allow no
other explanation for their ghostly weight:
these and not others.
© Translation: 2019, Philippa Page
Vitraux de exilio
Vitraux de exilio
Toda la eficacia de los nombresque trabajosamente la imaginería construyó para fascinarte
se derrumbe silenciosamente:
un rico cementerio de cenizas
eso es hoy tu geografía.
Aprendiste a costa de tu juventud
y de gran parte de tu inocencia
que estar solo en un despojado suburbio de las pampas
o en la fastuosa Samarkanda
tiene la misma dimensión de olvido o de tragedia;
que el viento nunca tuvo piedad para esparcir
las piedras y los muertos, que sólo los turistas de solemnidad
se fotografían ante los vidrios de colores
porque decir país es musitar apenas cuatro letras
y tras ellas la densidad de secretas combinaciones
lápidas de extraños que llevan nuestro nombre
y pálidas fotos que conservan el eco de tu paso
hacia el amor o la desesperanza.
Es también la memoria de trabajos fatigosos
o quizá alguna vieja melodía
que retiene los primeros riesgos de tu juventud.
Un país es un nombre
y la ácida violencia con que acude una palabra
a tu indefensa boca de viajero.
Es un mapa con un río cuya desembocadura y nacimiento
se unen, curiosamente, en el punto exacto de la tierra
que desea abonar tu osario.
Son amaneceres, insomnios, saludos, cólera,
un brazo, un hombre, diminutivos, insultos,
despedidas, jardines, encuentros, temblores,
promesas, otoños, rieles, desafíos,
sustantivos absolutos que no admiten
otra explicación a su peso de fantasmas:
éstos y no otros.
© 1972, Luisa Futoransky
From: Lo regado por lo seco
Publisher: Ediciones Noe/ Prometeo, Buenos Aires/ Valencia
From: Lo regado por lo seco
Publisher: Ediciones Noe/ Prometeo, Buenos Aires/ Valencia
Poems of Luisa Futoransky
All the efficacy of namesthat the imaginary laboriously fabricated to fascinate you
silently falls apart:
a rich cemetery of ashes
this is today your geography
You learnt at the expense of your youth
and the better part of your innocence
that being alone in a bereft suburb of the pampas
or in lavish Samarkand
bears the same dimension of forgottenness and tragedy;
the wind never took the pity to scatter
the stones and the dead; only the tourists of somberness
photograph themselves before colored panes
because to say country is to utter just one word
behind it the density of secret combinations
headstones belonging to strangers who bear our name
and faded photographs that preserve the echo of your passage
towards love or despair.
It is also the memory of wearisome jobs
or perhaps some old melody
that holds on to the first risks of your youth.
A country is a name
and with acid violence it lends a word
to your defenseless traveler’s mouth.
It is a map with a river whose estuary and source
come together, curiously, at the exact point on earth
that your ossuary wishes to fertilize.
It’s these daybreaks, insomnias, greetings, anger,
an arm, a man, nicknames, insults,
farewells, gardens, encounters, tremors,
promises, autumns, rails, challenges,
absolute nouns that allow no
other explanation for their ghostly weight:
these and not others.
© 2019, Philippa Page
From: Lo regado por lo seco
From: Lo regado por lo seco
All the efficacy of namesthat the imaginary laboriously fabricated to fascinate you
silently falls apart:
a rich cemetery of ashes
this is today your geography
You learnt at the expense of your youth
and the better part of your innocence
that being alone in a bereft suburb of the pampas
or in lavish Samarkand
bears the same dimension of forgottenness and tragedy;
the wind never took the pity to scatter
the stones and the dead; only the tourists of somberness
photograph themselves before colored panes
because to say country is to utter just one word
behind it the density of secret combinations
headstones belonging to strangers who bear our name
and faded photographs that preserve the echo of your passage
towards love or despair.
It is also the memory of wearisome jobs
or perhaps some old melody
that holds on to the first risks of your youth.
A country is a name
and with acid violence it lends a word
to your defenseless traveler’s mouth.
It is a map with a river whose estuary and source
come together, curiously, at the exact point on earth
that your ossuary wishes to fertilize.
It’s these daybreaks, insomnias, greetings, anger,
an arm, a man, nicknames, insults,
farewells, gardens, encounters, tremors,
promises, autumns, rails, challenges,
absolute nouns that allow no
other explanation for their ghostly weight:
these and not others.
© 2019, Philippa Page

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère