Poetry International Poetry International

Tom Lanoye


Don’t ask me what poetry
should look like. Not static or
samey. That’s not really my
thing. The same tone repeated
ad nauseam, and they call it
‘devotion to form’, ‘having a
voice,’ that kind of bullshit.
No, that’s not really my thing.

Me, I’d rather my favourite
sweet from when I was a kid: a
jawbreaker. You suck and suck,
new colours are revealed and
before you know it, there’s
nothing left. That’s it, I think.
Something like that. More or less.



Weet ik veel hoe poëzie eruit
moet zien. Niet dat statische,
dat uniforme. Daar hou ik niet
zo van. Dezelfde toon herhaald
tot in den treure, en dat dan
“vormvastheid” noemen, of “een
eigen stem”, dat soort gelul.
Nee, daar hou ik niet zo van.

Geef mij dan maar het favoriete
snoepgoed uit mijn jeugd. De
toverbal. Je zuigt en zuigt
maar, telkens komen er andere
kleuren te voorschijn en voor
je ’t weet, heb je helemaal
niets meer. Dát is het, vind
ik. Zoiets. Ongeveer.


Don’t ask me what poetry
should look like. Not static or
samey. That’s not really my
thing. The same tone repeated
ad nauseam, and they call it
‘devotion to form’, ‘having a
voice,’ that kind of bullshit.
No, that’s not really my thing.

Me, I’d rather my favourite
sweet from when I was a kid: a
jawbreaker. You suck and suck,
new colours are revealed and
before you know it, there’s
nothing left. That’s it, I think.
Something like that. More or less.


Don’t ask me what poetry
should look like. Not static or
samey. That’s not really my
thing. The same tone repeated
ad nauseam, and they call it
‘devotion to form’, ‘having a
voice,’ that kind of bullshit.
No, that’s not really my thing.

Me, I’d rather my favourite
sweet from when I was a kid: a
jawbreaker. You suck and suck,
new colours are revealed and
before you know it, there’s
nothing left. That’s it, I think.
Something like that. More or less.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère