Rocio Ceron
A hundred and twelve
IA hundred and twelve steps as escape,
talent of one who knows long aural winters/
Vocal stammering; rhizome unfurled in fugitive leaf;
how else could hatred speak/
Face or cross of an alphabet resolved by rending;
double entry, game in ellipsis/
Pray, not the Our Father or the Ave Maria,
in your accent name all that is;
on top of the leather hide the hard anatomy, its breast already unguarded: terror smears the shoulder/
We pray on the beach La Herradura elucidated fears;
piece by piece geography checks off hand-carved nightsticks/
mouth of the well snipershot organ;
twentieth century, embossed by hand, no hinges,
central beveled mirror, solid legs, the decoration somewhat severe,
the epoch's black marble; tell yourself it's an heirloom for experts/
Then laughter dispelled all tinsel, failure and anguish,
we named the letter N to contradict time and censure;
descend from the eye of light —radial tracery, may the saints devour your years/
The carousel turns drilled through by bullets, not even the fallen leaves
or sun’s rays speak in captive voices;
behind the immovable the puppet masters and a pair of blind old men:
suffocating air enthroned/
The seafoam turns/
Pijuayo peels, arazá fruit,
mute remains where the word certainty took root/
Bang on the door, descend, clench;
pulp ring prophetic knot, grinding where hatred hangs/
then the birds slept/
An intense geography of spikes awaits the mouth;
no jailer no hangman no debtor no one pressing down on the infant’s
petalic chest/
Raise up the night, Saturday or Friday, rigging that adjusts the strength of the blow/
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna/
The notation served as a medium, cross-referenced with the report,
scores or an outline where the page springs forth calligraphic/
dark green bundle of branches where scarcely,
fugue crack secret orifices where the era grows short: eyes/
I’m telling you, alphabetical order will eventually disappear/
The chest’s lingering pentagonal autumns;
hinge between gesture and sound, ar-ti-cu-la-tion,
on the black mountain they share the same curtain black with blood,
it doesn’t matter whether it comes from the sea, river, mountain range, communal feast of scraps, cadaver/
Here, the people are free to come and go as they please;
the birth of forgetting bestowed on the surfeit of spectacle,
historical periodicity, the expert will say/
Dilapidated aristocratic language, aching to the core,
transoceanic babbling, sauntering among houses of storm and howling;
The drunkest letter in Spanish
— nuclear N metronomic ad libitum heatstroked — the pronouncement made:
“a ringing anvil crushes the tympanic cavity,
practiced chord of blackest horror
where our century is kept.”
A hundred and twelve steps smelling the entrance, talent of one who lives long summers under the tongue/
Nesting of petrels to avoid the resurrection; first cause to glance over the rubble/
Keepsakes nest (survive) in places: tactile realities, sore / verbalize the color, the fracture’s shine/
Superstrings —topoi— neurons' vibrational
filament —no doors, no spotlight, no fixed
axis: just mental spaces all the way down/
Burn your belongings. Descend to the salivary
lake of the masses. Teeth and dirty cheeks/
Observe: steps labyrinthine streets favelas
neighborhoods where the pupil dematerializes/
hands sta-in-ed wi-th in-k/
Depredation of the auroral thicket: “tomorrow
there will be water for washing the bodies but no food, the fruit will come in another three days”
To the eyelid, the night is no more than a fence of pale days; curb loaf crops, the taste of water is cotton over your face/
Pulsar body, delicate hibiscus flower or mangrove palm: residual beauty of misery/
There was a profusion of voices. Replaceable.
Particles of fashionably dressed ghosts/
Such shouting such head spinning such
dictator lying in wait behind closed eyes;
the crowd sweats on the metro, the man’s hands sweat as he makes out the check: star-shaped wasp in radiator/
Depredation. Minutes before the storm.
Patron saint’s day, fires and rockets: witnesses,
anesthetized conduct. —Hound, over the hound
the salt/
Exact measure of what you have at hand, grams, in your pocket coins from the Ministry: service station bank security camera, high concentration of proteins for the heist
They knew about the sunless places of sun, of wise men who bury the bodies inside other bodies/
They knew about the roofless buildings, closed
to the eyes, they knew. And that everything comes down to the ear/
They knew about the will to recreate Rome,
about fire word gust slaughterhouse. They knew/
White flowers and African roses, in the waters
of the lake there is no Baltic, no Pacific. There are snakes/
Open circle: inside filaments threading ghosts to say a name, Juan or Gustavo, teasel/
Body migrated to alterity; boreal, the mouth was aurora borealis, blackishgreen or reddishblack yellowlilac: potency of the gust inside of, on/
Becoming to liberate the, — viral infection,
surfeit of the present, “there’s no more coffee,
get rid of it, get rid of everything,” camouflage:
ear finely-tuned to catch unarticulated sounds,
wind breakwater lullabies screaming hordes
ultra fast heartbeats 2507 petaflop knife chopping onion milky way streaming by/
suspension, blood in suspension/
after everything that’s happened, how else could hatred speak?
Nesting of petrels to avoid the resurrection; first cause to glance over the rubble/
Keepsakes nest (survive) in places: tactile realities, sore / verbalize the color, the fracture’s shine/
Superstrings —topoi— neurons' vibrational
filament —no doors, no spotlight, no fixed
axis: just mental spaces all the way down/
Burn your belongings. Descend to the salivary
lake of the masses. Teeth and dirty cheeks/
Observe: steps labyrinthine streets favelas
neighborhoods where the pupil dematerializes/
hands sta-in-ed wi-th in-k/
Depredation of the auroral thicket: “tomorrow
there will be water for washing the bodies but no food, the fruit will come in another three days”
To the eyelid, the night is no more than a fence of pale days; curb loaf crops, the taste of water is cotton over your face/
Pulsar body, delicate hibiscus flower or mangrove palm: residual beauty of misery/
There was a profusion of voices. Replaceable.
Particles of fashionably dressed ghosts/
Such shouting such head spinning such
dictator lying in wait behind closed eyes;
the crowd sweats on the metro, the man’s hands sweat as he makes out the check: star-shaped wasp in radiator/
Depredation. Minutes before the storm.
Patron saint’s day, fires and rockets: witnesses,
anesthetized conduct. —Hound, over the hound
the salt/
Exact measure of what you have at hand, grams, in your pocket coins from the Ministry: service station bank security camera, high concentration of proteins for the heist
They knew about the sunless places of sun, of wise men who bury the bodies inside other bodies/
They knew about the roofless buildings, closed
to the eyes, they knew. And that everything comes down to the ear/
They knew about the will to recreate Rome,
about fire word gust slaughterhouse. They knew/
White flowers and African roses, in the waters
of the lake there is no Baltic, no Pacific. There are snakes/
Open circle: inside filaments threading ghosts to say a name, Juan or Gustavo, teasel/
Body migrated to alterity; boreal, the mouth was aurora borealis, blackishgreen or reddishblack yellowlilac: potency of the gust inside of, on/
Becoming to liberate the, — viral infection,
surfeit of the present, “there’s no more coffee,
get rid of it, get rid of everything,” camouflage:
ear finely-tuned to catch unarticulated sounds,
wind breakwater lullabies screaming hordes
ultra fast heartbeats 2507 petaflop knife chopping onion milky way streaming by/
suspension, blood in suspension/
after everything that’s happened, how else could hatred speak?
© Translation: 2014, Rocio Ceron, Anna Rosen Guercio
From: Diorama
Publisher: Phoneme Media, New York, 2014
From: Diorama
Publisher: Phoneme Media, New York, 2014
Ciento doce
Ciento doce
ICiento doce escalones como escape,
aptitud del que conoce largos inviernos del oído/
Trastabillo de vocal; rizoma desdoblado en hoja fugitiva;
qué otro modo tendría de hablar el odio/
Cara o cruz de un alfabeto zanjado por desgarradura;
partida doble, juego en puntos suspendidos/
Reza, no el Padre nuestro o el Ave María,
nombra por su acento lo que hay;
encima del cuero la dura anatomía, sin escolta ya de pecho:
el pavor embadurna al hombro/
Reíamos en la playa La Herradura esclarecidos los miedos;
de pedazo en pedazo la geografía marcaba los toletes tallados a mano/
boca de pozo francotiro órgano;
siglo XX, tallado a mano en relieve, sin bisagras,
espejo central biselado, patas macizas, algo adusto el decorado,
mármol negro de la época; dígase reliquia para entendidos/
Entonces la risa desvanecía todo oropel, falla y angustia,
nombrábamos la letra N para contradecir hora y censuras;
desciende del ojo de luz –tracería radial, que los santos devoren tus años/
Gira el carrusel horadado de balas, ni la hojarasca
o el rayo solar hablan de voces cautivas;
atrás de lo inmóvil los amos y un par de viejos ciegos:
aire sofocante en trono/
Gira la espuma/
Cáscaras de pijuayos, arazás,
restos mudos donde se ha fundado la palabra certeza/
Golpea la puerta, desciende, aprieta;
pulpa argolla nudo profético, trituración donde gravita el odio/
los pájaros entonces dormitaban/
Aguarda la boca una intensa geografía de espigas;
no carcelero no verdugo no deudor no quien oprime el petálico pecho del infante/
Levanta la noche, sábado o viernes, cordaje que adecúa la potencia del
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna/
La notación servía de medio, retícula de lo informe,
partituras o esbozo donde brota caligráfica la hoja/
ramazón verdinegro donde apenas,
fuga rendija orificios secretos donde la edad apremia: ojos/
Le explico, el orden alfabético terminará por desaparecer/
Largos otoños pentagonales del pecho;
bisagra entre gesto y sonido, ar-ti-cu-la-ción,
sobre la montaña negra se comparte el mismo telón oscurecido por la sangre,
da lo mismo si proviene de mar, río, cordillera o público festín de trozos,
Aquí, el público tiene la libertad de salir cuando quiera;
al hartazgo del espectáculo se le confiere el nacimiento de la desmemoria,
periodicidad histórica, dirá el entendido/
Desvencijado lenguaje aristocrático, dolido hasta el tuétano,
balbucea transoceánico, deambula entre casas de tormenta y brama;
la letra más ebria del castellano
—N nuclear metronómica ad líbitum insolada— ya dicta:
“un yunque sonoro abate la caja timpánica,
ejercitado acorde de negrísimo espanto
donde se guarda el siglo”.
Ciento doce escalones con olor a llegada, aptitud del que vive largos veranos debajo de la lengua /
Anidación de petreles para evitar la resurrección; causa primera para mirar por encima de escombros/
Recuerdos anidan (sobreviven) en lugares: realidades táctiles, llaga / verbaliza el color, el brillo de la fisura/
Supercuerdas —topoi— filamento vibracional en neuronas —sin puertas, sin foco de luz, sin eje fijo: sólo espacios mentales al fondo/
Quema tus pertenencias. Desciende al lago salival de las masas. Dientes y mejillas sucias/
Observa: escalones calles laberintos favelas zonas donde la pupila se desmaterializa/ manos en-tin-ta-das/
Depredación del boscaje auroral: “mañana habrá agua para lavar los cuerpos pero no comida, la fruta llegará tres días después”
A párpado, la noche no es más que una cerca de días pálidos; brocal hogaza plantío, el sabor del agua es algodón sobre la frente/
Cuerpo pulsar, fina flor de Jamaica o palmera de mangle: belleza de la miseria en residuo/
Ahí había profusión de voces. Reemplazables. Partículas de espectros vistiendo a la moda/
Tanto griterío tanta cabeza girando tanto dictador en acecho a ojos cerrados;
suda la multitud en el metro, sudan las manos del hombre que extiende el cheque: estrellada avispa en radiador/
Depredación. Minutos antes la tormenta.
Fiesta patronal, fuegos y cohetes: testigos, anestesiada conducta. —Lebrel, sobre el lebrel la sal/
Medida exacta de lo que se tenga a mano, gramos, en el bolsillo se guardan monedas del
Ministerio: estación de servicio cámara de seguridad banco, proteínas en alta cantidad para el hurto.
Sabía de los lugares de sol sin sol, de hombres sentados que hunden los cuerpos entre cuerpos/
Sabía de las construcciones sin techos, cerrados a los ojos, sabía. Y que todo sólo incumbe al oído/
Sabía de la voluntad de crear de nuevo Roma, del fuego vocablo golpe matadero. Sabía/
Flores blancas y rosas del África, en las aguas del lago no hay Báltico ni Pacífico. Hay serpientes/
Círculo abierto: adentro filamentos hilvanando espectros para decir un nombre, Juan o Gustavo, cardencha/
Cuerpo migrado a alteridad; boreal, la boca era aurora boreal, negriverde o rojinegro amarilloli-la: potencia del soplo dentro de, en/
Devenires para liberar a, —infección viral, hartazgo de presente, “el café no tiene ya carga, deséchalo, desecha todo”, camuflaje:
oído fino para escuchar sonidos inarticulados, viento rompeolas canciones de cuna gritería de hordas palpitaciones ultra rápidas 2507 petaflop cuchillo picando cebolla vía láctea transcurriendo/
suspensión, sangre en suspensión/
después de todo, ¿qué otro modo tendría de hablar el odio?
Ciento doce escalones con olor a llegada, aptitud del que vive largos veranos debajo de la lengua /
Anidación de petreles para evitar la resurrección; causa primera para mirar por encima de escombros/
Recuerdos anidan (sobreviven) en lugares: realidades táctiles, llaga / verbaliza el color, el brillo de la fisura/
Supercuerdas —topoi— filamento vibracional en neuronas —sin puertas, sin foco de luz, sin eje fijo: sólo espacios mentales al fondo/
Quema tus pertenencias. Desciende al lago salival de las masas. Dientes y mejillas sucias/
Observa: escalones calles laberintos favelas zonas donde la pupila se desmaterializa/ manos en-tin-ta-das/
Depredación del boscaje auroral: “mañana habrá agua para lavar los cuerpos pero no comida, la fruta llegará tres días después”
A párpado, la noche no es más que una cerca de días pálidos; brocal hogaza plantío, el sabor del agua es algodón sobre la frente/
Cuerpo pulsar, fina flor de Jamaica o palmera de mangle: belleza de la miseria en residuo/
Ahí había profusión de voces. Reemplazables. Partículas de espectros vistiendo a la moda/
Tanto griterío tanta cabeza girando tanto dictador en acecho a ojos cerrados;
suda la multitud en el metro, sudan las manos del hombre que extiende el cheque: estrellada avispa en radiador/
Depredación. Minutos antes la tormenta.
Fiesta patronal, fuegos y cohetes: testigos, anestesiada conducta. —Lebrel, sobre el lebrel la sal/
Medida exacta de lo que se tenga a mano, gramos, en el bolsillo se guardan monedas del
Ministerio: estación de servicio cámara de seguridad banco, proteínas en alta cantidad para el hurto.
Sabía de los lugares de sol sin sol, de hombres sentados que hunden los cuerpos entre cuerpos/
Sabía de las construcciones sin techos, cerrados a los ojos, sabía. Y que todo sólo incumbe al oído/
Sabía de la voluntad de crear de nuevo Roma, del fuego vocablo golpe matadero. Sabía/
Flores blancas y rosas del África, en las aguas del lago no hay Báltico ni Pacífico. Hay serpientes/
Círculo abierto: adentro filamentos hilvanando espectros para decir un nombre, Juan o Gustavo, cardencha/
Cuerpo migrado a alteridad; boreal, la boca era aurora boreal, negriverde o rojinegro amarilloli-la: potencia del soplo dentro de, en/
Devenires para liberar a, —infección viral, hartazgo de presente, “el café no tiene ya carga, deséchalo, desecha todo”, camuflaje:
oído fino para escuchar sonidos inarticulados, viento rompeolas canciones de cuna gritería de hordas palpitaciones ultra rápidas 2507 petaflop cuchillo picando cebolla vía láctea transcurriendo/
suspensión, sangre en suspensión/
después de todo, ¿qué otro modo tendría de hablar el odio?
© 2012, Rocio Ceron
From: Diorama
Publisher: UANL, Mexico, DF
From: Diorama
Publisher: UANL, Mexico, DF
Poems of Rocio Ceron
A hundred and twelve
IA hundred and twelve steps as escape,
talent of one who knows long aural winters/
Vocal stammering; rhizome unfurled in fugitive leaf;
how else could hatred speak/
Face or cross of an alphabet resolved by rending;
double entry, game in ellipsis/
Pray, not the Our Father or the Ave Maria,
in your accent name all that is;
on top of the leather hide the hard anatomy, its breast already unguarded: terror smears the shoulder/
We pray on the beach La Herradura elucidated fears;
piece by piece geography checks off hand-carved nightsticks/
mouth of the well snipershot organ;
twentieth century, embossed by hand, no hinges,
central beveled mirror, solid legs, the decoration somewhat severe,
the epoch's black marble; tell yourself it's an heirloom for experts/
Then laughter dispelled all tinsel, failure and anguish,
we named the letter N to contradict time and censure;
descend from the eye of light —radial tracery, may the saints devour your years/
The carousel turns drilled through by bullets, not even the fallen leaves
or sun’s rays speak in captive voices;
behind the immovable the puppet masters and a pair of blind old men:
suffocating air enthroned/
The seafoam turns/
Pijuayo peels, arazá fruit,
mute remains where the word certainty took root/
Bang on the door, descend, clench;
pulp ring prophetic knot, grinding where hatred hangs/
then the birds slept/
An intense geography of spikes awaits the mouth;
no jailer no hangman no debtor no one pressing down on the infant’s
petalic chest/
Raise up the night, Saturday or Friday, rigging that adjusts the strength of the blow/
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna/
The notation served as a medium, cross-referenced with the report,
scores or an outline where the page springs forth calligraphic/
dark green bundle of branches where scarcely,
fugue crack secret orifices where the era grows short: eyes/
I’m telling you, alphabetical order will eventually disappear/
The chest’s lingering pentagonal autumns;
hinge between gesture and sound, ar-ti-cu-la-tion,
on the black mountain they share the same curtain black with blood,
it doesn’t matter whether it comes from the sea, river, mountain range, communal feast of scraps, cadaver/
Here, the people are free to come and go as they please;
the birth of forgetting bestowed on the surfeit of spectacle,
historical periodicity, the expert will say/
Dilapidated aristocratic language, aching to the core,
transoceanic babbling, sauntering among houses of storm and howling;
The drunkest letter in Spanish
— nuclear N metronomic ad libitum heatstroked — the pronouncement made:
“a ringing anvil crushes the tympanic cavity,
practiced chord of blackest horror
where our century is kept.”
A hundred and twelve steps smelling the entrance, talent of one who lives long summers under the tongue/
Nesting of petrels to avoid the resurrection; first cause to glance over the rubble/
Keepsakes nest (survive) in places: tactile realities, sore / verbalize the color, the fracture’s shine/
Superstrings —topoi— neurons' vibrational
filament —no doors, no spotlight, no fixed
axis: just mental spaces all the way down/
Burn your belongings. Descend to the salivary
lake of the masses. Teeth and dirty cheeks/
Observe: steps labyrinthine streets favelas
neighborhoods where the pupil dematerializes/
hands sta-in-ed wi-th in-k/
Depredation of the auroral thicket: “tomorrow
there will be water for washing the bodies but no food, the fruit will come in another three days”
To the eyelid, the night is no more than a fence of pale days; curb loaf crops, the taste of water is cotton over your face/
Pulsar body, delicate hibiscus flower or mangrove palm: residual beauty of misery/
There was a profusion of voices. Replaceable.
Particles of fashionably dressed ghosts/
Such shouting such head spinning such
dictator lying in wait behind closed eyes;
the crowd sweats on the metro, the man’s hands sweat as he makes out the check: star-shaped wasp in radiator/
Depredation. Minutes before the storm.
Patron saint’s day, fires and rockets: witnesses,
anesthetized conduct. —Hound, over the hound
the salt/
Exact measure of what you have at hand, grams, in your pocket coins from the Ministry: service station bank security camera, high concentration of proteins for the heist
They knew about the sunless places of sun, of wise men who bury the bodies inside other bodies/
They knew about the roofless buildings, closed
to the eyes, they knew. And that everything comes down to the ear/
They knew about the will to recreate Rome,
about fire word gust slaughterhouse. They knew/
White flowers and African roses, in the waters
of the lake there is no Baltic, no Pacific. There are snakes/
Open circle: inside filaments threading ghosts to say a name, Juan or Gustavo, teasel/
Body migrated to alterity; boreal, the mouth was aurora borealis, blackishgreen or reddishblack yellowlilac: potency of the gust inside of, on/
Becoming to liberate the, — viral infection,
surfeit of the present, “there’s no more coffee,
get rid of it, get rid of everything,” camouflage:
ear finely-tuned to catch unarticulated sounds,
wind breakwater lullabies screaming hordes
ultra fast heartbeats 2507 petaflop knife chopping onion milky way streaming by/
suspension, blood in suspension/
after everything that’s happened, how else could hatred speak?
Nesting of petrels to avoid the resurrection; first cause to glance over the rubble/
Keepsakes nest (survive) in places: tactile realities, sore / verbalize the color, the fracture’s shine/
Superstrings —topoi— neurons' vibrational
filament —no doors, no spotlight, no fixed
axis: just mental spaces all the way down/
Burn your belongings. Descend to the salivary
lake of the masses. Teeth and dirty cheeks/
Observe: steps labyrinthine streets favelas
neighborhoods where the pupil dematerializes/
hands sta-in-ed wi-th in-k/
Depredation of the auroral thicket: “tomorrow
there will be water for washing the bodies but no food, the fruit will come in another three days”
To the eyelid, the night is no more than a fence of pale days; curb loaf crops, the taste of water is cotton over your face/
Pulsar body, delicate hibiscus flower or mangrove palm: residual beauty of misery/
There was a profusion of voices. Replaceable.
Particles of fashionably dressed ghosts/
Such shouting such head spinning such
dictator lying in wait behind closed eyes;
the crowd sweats on the metro, the man’s hands sweat as he makes out the check: star-shaped wasp in radiator/
Depredation. Minutes before the storm.
Patron saint’s day, fires and rockets: witnesses,
anesthetized conduct. —Hound, over the hound
the salt/
Exact measure of what you have at hand, grams, in your pocket coins from the Ministry: service station bank security camera, high concentration of proteins for the heist
They knew about the sunless places of sun, of wise men who bury the bodies inside other bodies/
They knew about the roofless buildings, closed
to the eyes, they knew. And that everything comes down to the ear/
They knew about the will to recreate Rome,
about fire word gust slaughterhouse. They knew/
White flowers and African roses, in the waters
of the lake there is no Baltic, no Pacific. There are snakes/
Open circle: inside filaments threading ghosts to say a name, Juan or Gustavo, teasel/
Body migrated to alterity; boreal, the mouth was aurora borealis, blackishgreen or reddishblack yellowlilac: potency of the gust inside of, on/
Becoming to liberate the, — viral infection,
surfeit of the present, “there’s no more coffee,
get rid of it, get rid of everything,” camouflage:
ear finely-tuned to catch unarticulated sounds,
wind breakwater lullabies screaming hordes
ultra fast heartbeats 2507 petaflop knife chopping onion milky way streaming by/
suspension, blood in suspension/
after everything that’s happened, how else could hatred speak?
© 2014, Rocio Ceron, Anna Rosen Guercio
From: Diorama
Publisher: 2014, Phoneme Media, New York
From: Diorama
Publisher: 2014, Phoneme Media, New York
A hundred and twelve
IA hundred and twelve steps as escape,
talent of one who knows long aural winters/
Vocal stammering; rhizome unfurled in fugitive leaf;
how else could hatred speak/
Face or cross of an alphabet resolved by rending;
double entry, game in ellipsis/
Pray, not the Our Father or the Ave Maria,
in your accent name all that is;
on top of the leather hide the hard anatomy, its breast already unguarded: terror smears the shoulder/
We pray on the beach La Herradura elucidated fears;
piece by piece geography checks off hand-carved nightsticks/
mouth of the well snipershot organ;
twentieth century, embossed by hand, no hinges,
central beveled mirror, solid legs, the decoration somewhat severe,
the epoch's black marble; tell yourself it's an heirloom for experts/
Then laughter dispelled all tinsel, failure and anguish,
we named the letter N to contradict time and censure;
descend from the eye of light —radial tracery, may the saints devour your years/
The carousel turns drilled through by bullets, not even the fallen leaves
or sun’s rays speak in captive voices;
behind the immovable the puppet masters and a pair of blind old men:
suffocating air enthroned/
The seafoam turns/
Pijuayo peels, arazá fruit,
mute remains where the word certainty took root/
Bang on the door, descend, clench;
pulp ring prophetic knot, grinding where hatred hangs/
then the birds slept/
An intense geography of spikes awaits the mouth;
no jailer no hangman no debtor no one pressing down on the infant’s
petalic chest/
Raise up the night, Saturday or Friday, rigging that adjusts the strength of the blow/
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna/
The notation served as a medium, cross-referenced with the report,
scores or an outline where the page springs forth calligraphic/
dark green bundle of branches where scarcely,
fugue crack secret orifices where the era grows short: eyes/
I’m telling you, alphabetical order will eventually disappear/
The chest’s lingering pentagonal autumns;
hinge between gesture and sound, ar-ti-cu-la-tion,
on the black mountain they share the same curtain black with blood,
it doesn’t matter whether it comes from the sea, river, mountain range, communal feast of scraps, cadaver/
Here, the people are free to come and go as they please;
the birth of forgetting bestowed on the surfeit of spectacle,
historical periodicity, the expert will say/
Dilapidated aristocratic language, aching to the core,
transoceanic babbling, sauntering among houses of storm and howling;
The drunkest letter in Spanish
— nuclear N metronomic ad libitum heatstroked — the pronouncement made:
“a ringing anvil crushes the tympanic cavity,
practiced chord of blackest horror
where our century is kept.”
A hundred and twelve steps smelling the entrance, talent of one who lives long summers under the tongue/
Nesting of petrels to avoid the resurrection; first cause to glance over the rubble/
Keepsakes nest (survive) in places: tactile realities, sore / verbalize the color, the fracture’s shine/
Superstrings —topoi— neurons' vibrational
filament —no doors, no spotlight, no fixed
axis: just mental spaces all the way down/
Burn your belongings. Descend to the salivary
lake of the masses. Teeth and dirty cheeks/
Observe: steps labyrinthine streets favelas
neighborhoods where the pupil dematerializes/
hands sta-in-ed wi-th in-k/
Depredation of the auroral thicket: “tomorrow
there will be water for washing the bodies but no food, the fruit will come in another three days”
To the eyelid, the night is no more than a fence of pale days; curb loaf crops, the taste of water is cotton over your face/
Pulsar body, delicate hibiscus flower or mangrove palm: residual beauty of misery/
There was a profusion of voices. Replaceable.
Particles of fashionably dressed ghosts/
Such shouting such head spinning such
dictator lying in wait behind closed eyes;
the crowd sweats on the metro, the man’s hands sweat as he makes out the check: star-shaped wasp in radiator/
Depredation. Minutes before the storm.
Patron saint’s day, fires and rockets: witnesses,
anesthetized conduct. —Hound, over the hound
the salt/
Exact measure of what you have at hand, grams, in your pocket coins from the Ministry: service station bank security camera, high concentration of proteins for the heist
They knew about the sunless places of sun, of wise men who bury the bodies inside other bodies/
They knew about the roofless buildings, closed
to the eyes, they knew. And that everything comes down to the ear/
They knew about the will to recreate Rome,
about fire word gust slaughterhouse. They knew/
White flowers and African roses, in the waters
of the lake there is no Baltic, no Pacific. There are snakes/
Open circle: inside filaments threading ghosts to say a name, Juan or Gustavo, teasel/
Body migrated to alterity; boreal, the mouth was aurora borealis, blackishgreen or reddishblack yellowlilac: potency of the gust inside of, on/
Becoming to liberate the, — viral infection,
surfeit of the present, “there’s no more coffee,
get rid of it, get rid of everything,” camouflage:
ear finely-tuned to catch unarticulated sounds,
wind breakwater lullabies screaming hordes
ultra fast heartbeats 2507 petaflop knife chopping onion milky way streaming by/
suspension, blood in suspension/
after everything that’s happened, how else could hatred speak?
Nesting of petrels to avoid the resurrection; first cause to glance over the rubble/
Keepsakes nest (survive) in places: tactile realities, sore / verbalize the color, the fracture’s shine/
Superstrings —topoi— neurons' vibrational
filament —no doors, no spotlight, no fixed
axis: just mental spaces all the way down/
Burn your belongings. Descend to the salivary
lake of the masses. Teeth and dirty cheeks/
Observe: steps labyrinthine streets favelas
neighborhoods where the pupil dematerializes/
hands sta-in-ed wi-th in-k/
Depredation of the auroral thicket: “tomorrow
there will be water for washing the bodies but no food, the fruit will come in another three days”
To the eyelid, the night is no more than a fence of pale days; curb loaf crops, the taste of water is cotton over your face/
Pulsar body, delicate hibiscus flower or mangrove palm: residual beauty of misery/
There was a profusion of voices. Replaceable.
Particles of fashionably dressed ghosts/
Such shouting such head spinning such
dictator lying in wait behind closed eyes;
the crowd sweats on the metro, the man’s hands sweat as he makes out the check: star-shaped wasp in radiator/
Depredation. Minutes before the storm.
Patron saint’s day, fires and rockets: witnesses,
anesthetized conduct. —Hound, over the hound
the salt/
Exact measure of what you have at hand, grams, in your pocket coins from the Ministry: service station bank security camera, high concentration of proteins for the heist
They knew about the sunless places of sun, of wise men who bury the bodies inside other bodies/
They knew about the roofless buildings, closed
to the eyes, they knew. And that everything comes down to the ear/
They knew about the will to recreate Rome,
about fire word gust slaughterhouse. They knew/
White flowers and African roses, in the waters
of the lake there is no Baltic, no Pacific. There are snakes/
Open circle: inside filaments threading ghosts to say a name, Juan or Gustavo, teasel/
Body migrated to alterity; boreal, the mouth was aurora borealis, blackishgreen or reddishblack yellowlilac: potency of the gust inside of, on/
Becoming to liberate the, — viral infection,
surfeit of the present, “there’s no more coffee,
get rid of it, get rid of everything,” camouflage:
ear finely-tuned to catch unarticulated sounds,
wind breakwater lullabies screaming hordes
ultra fast heartbeats 2507 petaflop knife chopping onion milky way streaming by/
suspension, blood in suspension/
after everything that’s happened, how else could hatred speak?
© 2014, Rocio Ceron, Anna Rosen Guercio
From: Diorama
Publisher: 2014, Phoneme Media, New York
From: Diorama
Publisher: 2014, Phoneme Media, New York

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère