Joost Baars
theology of the chair
because the chair does not coincide with the name of the chairbecause the name of the chair calls into existence all that is not chair
because under the name of the chair the universe in its entirety is made up of what is and isn’t chair
because the naming of names is an act
sitting down for example
because sitting down reaffirms the name of the chair
and consequently all that is not chair
and consequently the universe under the name of the chair
because the law of the universe is endless falling
because bodies fall
because under the name of the body everything beyond the body
is called into existence
because our being is embodied
because our embodied being is the naming of a name
because nobody names his own body
and under the name of the body falling lies encapsulated
because every son brings forth a broken son
because language inhabits and escapes us
bringing forth gives its name to the endlessly falling body
because bringing forth encapsulates an endless falling
because the name of falling calls into existence all that is not falling
because falling does not coincide with the name of falling
because under the name of falling the universe in its entirety exists
out of what is and isn’t falling
because falling is the law of the universe
because the endless falling brings forth matter
chairs for example
because under the name of the chair this endless falling asks for a
because a name escapes you like an answer
when you sit down
when you take your son in your arms
because the broken son places a resurrected son in your mouth
hallowed be his unlawful name
© Translation: 2018, Astrid Alben
omdat de stoel niet samenvalt met de naam van de stoelomdat de naam van de stoel alles wat niet stoel is aanwezig stelt
omdat onder de naam van de stoel het universum in zijn geheel bestaat uit
wat wel en niet stoel is
omdat het noemen van namen een daad is
gaan zitten bijvoorbeeld
omdat gaan zitten de naam van de stoel bevestigt
en daarmee alles wat niet stoel is
en daarmee het universum onder de naam van de stoel
omdat de wet van het universum eindeloos vallen is
omdat lichamen vallen
omdat onder de naam van het lichaam alles voorbij het lichaam aanwezig
wordt gesteld
omdat ons bestaan belichaamd is
omdat ons belichaamde zijn het noemen is van een naam
omdat niemand zijn eigen lichaam benoemt
en onder de naam van het lichaam het vallen besloten ligt
omdat elke zoon een gebroken zoon voortbrengt
omdat taal ons bewoont en ontvalt
bevallen het eindeloos vallende lichaam zijn naam geeft
omdat in bevallen de naam van het vallen besloten ligt
omdat de naam van het vallen alles wat niet vallen is aanwezig stelt
omdat het vallen niet samenvalt met de naam van het vallen
omdat onder de naam van het vallen het universum in zijn geheel bestaat
uit wat wel en niet vallen is
omdat vallen de wet van het universum is
omdat het eindeloos vallen materie voortbrengt
stoelen bijvoorbeeld
omdat onder de naam van de stoel het eindeloos vallen vraagt om een
omdat een naam je ontvalt als een antwoord
als je gaat zitten
als je je zoon in je armen neemt
omdat de gebroken zoon een verrezen zoon in je mond legt
heilig zij zijn onwettige naam
© 2017, Joost Baars
From: Binnenplaats
Publisher: Van Oorschot, Amsterdam
From: Binnenplaats
Publisher: Van Oorschot, Amsterdam
Poems of Joost Baars
theology of the chair
because the chair does not coincide with the name of the chairbecause the name of the chair calls into existence all that is not chair
because under the name of the chair the universe in its entirety is made up of what is and isn’t chair
because the naming of names is an act
sitting down for example
because sitting down reaffirms the name of the chair
and consequently all that is not chair
and consequently the universe under the name of the chair
because the law of the universe is endless falling
because bodies fall
because under the name of the body everything beyond the body
is called into existence
because our being is embodied
because our embodied being is the naming of a name
because nobody names his own body
and under the name of the body falling lies encapsulated
because every son brings forth a broken son
because language inhabits and escapes us
bringing forth gives its name to the endlessly falling body
because bringing forth encapsulates an endless falling
because the name of falling calls into existence all that is not falling
because falling does not coincide with the name of falling
because under the name of falling the universe in its entirety exists
out of what is and isn’t falling
because falling is the law of the universe
because the endless falling brings forth matter
chairs for example
because under the name of the chair this endless falling asks for a
because a name escapes you like an answer
when you sit down
when you take your son in your arms
because the broken son places a resurrected son in your mouth
hallowed be his unlawful name
© 2018, Astrid Alben
From: Binnenplaats
From: Binnenplaats
theology of the chair
because the chair does not coincide with the name of the chairbecause the name of the chair calls into existence all that is not chair
because under the name of the chair the universe in its entirety is made up of what is and isn’t chair
because the naming of names is an act
sitting down for example
because sitting down reaffirms the name of the chair
and consequently all that is not chair
and consequently the universe under the name of the chair
because the law of the universe is endless falling
because bodies fall
because under the name of the body everything beyond the body
is called into existence
because our being is embodied
because our embodied being is the naming of a name
because nobody names his own body
and under the name of the body falling lies encapsulated
because every son brings forth a broken son
because language inhabits and escapes us
bringing forth gives its name to the endlessly falling body
because bringing forth encapsulates an endless falling
because the name of falling calls into existence all that is not falling
because falling does not coincide with the name of falling
because under the name of falling the universe in its entirety exists
out of what is and isn’t falling
because falling is the law of the universe
because the endless falling brings forth matter
chairs for example
because under the name of the chair this endless falling asks for a
because a name escapes you like an answer
when you sit down
when you take your son in your arms
because the broken son places a resurrected son in your mouth
hallowed be his unlawful name
© 2018, Astrid Alben

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère