Simona Popescu
Little Do I Care That…
Sometimes I have all kinds of thoughts: how Koch wrote a poemabout writing “The Circus” and how he asked John Cage how old he was
and how “everything we do becomes a poem.”
Yesterday Dominique asked me what things
connect me, connect us, Romanian writers.
Somone is going to attack me for not keeping up
the Romanian tradition.
When I read Koch, I don’t really care he was American,
I don’t really care what connects him to American writers.
I don’t really care about the person who says:
“You asked me if I wanted to run, but I
said no and walked on.”
I don’t really care if he’s Chinese or African or American
It’s more important why it moves me, even though
it doesn’t seem to say much.
Pound to Harriet Monroe:
“Are you for American poetry or for poetry?”
Are you for Romanian poetry or for poetry?
Tell me!
© Translation: 2017, Sean Cotter
Puţin îmi pasă că…
Puţin îmi pasă că…
Cîteodată îmi vin în minte tot felul: cum a scris Koch un poemdespre cum a scris Circul şi cum l-a întrebat John Cage cîţi ani are
şi despre cum “tot ce făceam se transforma în poem”.
Ieri m-a întrebat Dominique care sînt lucrurile care
mă leagă, ne leagă pe noi, scriitorii români.
Peste o vreme unul mă va înjura că nu susţin
specificul naţional.
Eu cînd îl citesc pe Koch puţin îmi pasă că e scriitor american,
puţin îmi pasă ce-l leagă pe el de scriitorii americani.
Puţin îmi pasă cine zice:
“M-ai întrebat dacă vreau să alerg iar eu ţi-am
spus că nu şi am mers mai departe”.
Puţin îmi pasă dacă e spusă de un chinez sau un african sau de un american
mai important e de ce mă emoţionează, deşi
nu pare să spună mare lucru.
Şi Pound către Harriet Monroe:
“Are you for American poetry or for poetry?“
Eşti pentru poezia românească sau pentru poetry?
© 2007, Simona Popescu
From: Lucrări în verde. Pledoaria mea pentru poezie / Works in Green. My Defense of Poetry
Publisher: Cartea Românească, București
From: Lucrări în verde. Pledoaria mea pentru poezie / Works in Green. My Defense of Poetry
Publisher: Cartea Românească, București
Poems of Simona Popescu
Little Do I Care That…
Sometimes I have all kinds of thoughts: how Koch wrote a poemabout writing “The Circus” and how he asked John Cage how old he was
and how “everything we do becomes a poem.”
Yesterday Dominique asked me what things
connect me, connect us, Romanian writers.
Somone is going to attack me for not keeping up
the Romanian tradition.
When I read Koch, I don’t really care he was American,
I don’t really care what connects him to American writers.
I don’t really care about the person who says:
“You asked me if I wanted to run, but I
said no and walked on.”
I don’t really care if he’s Chinese or African or American
It’s more important why it moves me, even though
it doesn’t seem to say much.
Pound to Harriet Monroe:
“Are you for American poetry or for poetry?”
Are you for Romanian poetry or for poetry?
Tell me!
© 2017, Sean Cotter
From: Lucrări în verde. Pledoaria mea pentru poezie / Works in Green. My Defense of Poetry
From: Lucrări în verde. Pledoaria mea pentru poezie / Works in Green. My Defense of Poetry
Little Do I Care That…
Sometimes I have all kinds of thoughts: how Koch wrote a poemabout writing “The Circus” and how he asked John Cage how old he was
and how “everything we do becomes a poem.”
Yesterday Dominique asked me what things
connect me, connect us, Romanian writers.
Somone is going to attack me for not keeping up
the Romanian tradition.
When I read Koch, I don’t really care he was American,
I don’t really care what connects him to American writers.
I don’t really care about the person who says:
“You asked me if I wanted to run, but I
said no and walked on.”
I don’t really care if he’s Chinese or African or American
It’s more important why it moves me, even though
it doesn’t seem to say much.
Pound to Harriet Monroe:
“Are you for American poetry or for poetry?”
Are you for Romanian poetry or for poetry?
Tell me!
© 2017, Sean Cotter
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère