Zhu Zhu
IOver the great wall, over
hundreds of miles of mountain ranges with no vegetation
once you can smell the source of water in the air
just as by the side of a hollowed-out cave
you will see a mural exposed to the sun:
a grove of persimmon trees, sloping, rising higher and higher,
with roots boring into the rocks, mold vanished,
competing for light and raindrops with other trees.
the green becomes bright and dense
like molten metal, flowing over a cliff edge;
in that series of near infinite numbers,
each leaf delights in being anonymous,
delights in falling, or remaining on the branch,
along a golden seam whirling in the wind,
the fruits become ever sweeter as birds peck at them,
shamelessly swelling, softening, dripping.
Outside the window, again, the view is of this persimmon tree
(Vermeer’s light shines into the flat through the window,
illuminating this only half-finished poem).
we have always investigated each other,
like two leaves forming a trembling jaw.
Persimmons in early summer are like newly developed nipples,
hiding behind clusters, bashful of their increasing weight.
Their color is that of red, transparent ear lobes,
after frost, quickly engorged,
turning into red hot irons, naked in the air
in the snow, desiring to be touched, sucked.
I have never seen such sad breasts,
hard as pebbles, lava having turned cold: when falling
they are bruised by branches. skin broken, secretions from
incontinence: blood, bile, species, core.
My gaze darkens into a cave where the bonfire is spent.
IVoorbij de Chinese Muur, voorbij
de bergen die kilometerslang geen begroeiing hebben,
zodra je in de lucht de bron van water kunt ruiken,
is het alsof je naast een uitgeholde grot
een fresco kunt zien die in het zonlicht is geplaatst:
een hellend, hoger en hoger stijgend bos van kakibomen,
wortels de rotsen ingedrongen, schimmels verwijderd,
vechtend om licht en regen met andere boomsoorten,
het groen wordt helder, wordt compact als
gesmolten metaal, stroomt naar de afgrond;
in die reeks van bijna oneindige getallen
is elk blad blij om anoniem te zijn,
blij om te dwarrelen, of nog aan een tak te blijven.
Langs een gouden door de wind beroerde strook
wordt het fruit door het gepik van vogels nog zoeter,
zorgeloos zwellend, verwekend, druppelend.
Voor het raam vangt deze ene boom het blikveld, weer,
(licht in de stijl van Vermeer valt via hem het appartement in,
beschijnt dit maar half afgeschreven gedicht),
we zullen altijd in wederzijds onderzoek verzeilen,
zoals twee bladeren een bevende kaak vormen.
Kaki’s zijn vroeg in de zomer nog klein als tepels in de groei,
schuilen tussen het gebladerte, verlegen door hun toenemende gewicht,
hun kleur verandert als blozende, transparante oorlellen,
na wat vorst rijpen ze versneld,
veranderen in brandend rode soldeerbouten, naakt in de lucht
in de sneeuw, verlangend te worden gestreeld, uitgezogen.
Ik heb nog nooit zulke verdrietige borsten gezien,
hard als keien, het magma koud, beschadigd door gevorkte takken
wanneer ze vallen. Gescheurd vel, incontinente
afscheiding: bloed, gal, ras, kern.
Mijn starende blik verdonkert tot een grot waar het vreugdevuur uit is.
Poems of Zhu Zhu
IOver the great wall, over
hundreds of miles of mountain ranges with no vegetation
once you can smell the source of water in the air
just as by the side of a hollowed-out cave
you will see a mural exposed to the sun:
a grove of persimmon trees, sloping, rising higher and higher,
with roots boring into the rocks, mold vanished,
competing for light and raindrops with other trees.
the green becomes bright and dense
like molten metal, flowing over a cliff edge;
in that series of near infinite numbers,
each leaf delights in being anonymous,
delights in falling, or remaining on the branch,
along a golden seam whirling in the wind,
the fruits become ever sweeter as birds peck at them,
shamelessly swelling, softening, dripping.
Outside the window, again, the view is of this persimmon tree
(Vermeer’s light shines into the flat through the window,
illuminating this only half-finished poem).
we have always investigated each other,
like two leaves forming a trembling jaw.
Persimmons in early summer are like newly developed nipples,
hiding behind clusters, bashful of their increasing weight.
Their color is that of red, transparent ear lobes,
after frost, quickly engorged,
turning into red hot irons, naked in the air
in the snow, desiring to be touched, sucked.
I have never seen such sad breasts,
hard as pebbles, lava having turned cold: when falling
they are bruised by branches. skin broken, secretions from
incontinence: blood, bile, species, core.
My gaze darkens into a cave where the bonfire is spent.
IOver the great wall, over
hundreds of miles of mountain ranges with no vegetation
once you can smell the source of water in the air
just as by the side of a hollowed-out cave
you will see a mural exposed to the sun:
a grove of persimmon trees, sloping, rising higher and higher,
with roots boring into the rocks, mold vanished,
competing for light and raindrops with other trees.
the green becomes bright and dense
like molten metal, flowing over a cliff edge;
in that series of near infinite numbers,
each leaf delights in being anonymous,
delights in falling, or remaining on the branch,
along a golden seam whirling in the wind,
the fruits become ever sweeter as birds peck at them,
shamelessly swelling, softening, dripping.
Outside the window, again, the view is of this persimmon tree
(Vermeer’s light shines into the flat through the window,
illuminating this only half-finished poem).
we have always investigated each other,
like two leaves forming a trembling jaw.
Persimmons in early summer are like newly developed nipples,
hiding behind clusters, bashful of their increasing weight.
Their color is that of red, transparent ear lobes,
after frost, quickly engorged,
turning into red hot irons, naked in the air
in the snow, desiring to be touched, sucked.
I have never seen such sad breasts,
hard as pebbles, lava having turned cold: when falling
they are bruised by branches. skin broken, secretions from
incontinence: blood, bile, species, core.
My gaze darkens into a cave where the bonfire is spent.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère