Poetry International Poetry International

Ruth Lasters


Every swimmer swims a sleeper further
in the other, dark hemisphere. Each floating, each crawl stroke

increases a feeling of weightlessness in those who
nod off on the other side of the world. Someone must now say

that there are always far more sleepers than on the waking side
swimmers, so that it is only possible

if whoever boldly cleaves through water pulls with them
a gigantic imaginary bouquet of side-sleepers,

tummy-turners, back-liers. Somewhere then they must be received
with great consideration after presenting this fully stamped

swimming card.



Elke zwemmer zwemt een slaper verder
in het andere, duistere halfrond. Elk drijven, iedere crawlslag

maakt gewichtloosheidsgevoel aan van wie
indommelt aan de andere wereldkant. Iemand moet nu zeggen

dat er altijd veel meer slapers zijn dan aan de wakkere zijde
zwemmers, dat het dus slechts kan

als wie dapper klieft door water een reusachtig
denkbeeldig boeket meetrekt van zijslapers,

buikdraaiers, rugliggers. Ergens moet men dus met erg
veel egards ontvangen worden na vertoon van deze volgestempelde



Every swimmer swims a sleeper further
in the other, dark hemisphere. Each floating, each crawl stroke

increases a feeling of weightlessness in those who
nod off on the other side of the world. Someone must now say

that there are always far more sleepers than on the waking side
swimmers, so that it is only possible

if whoever boldly cleaves through water pulls with them
a gigantic imaginary bouquet of side-sleepers,

tummy-turners, back-liers. Somewhere then they must be received
with great consideration after presenting this fully stamped

swimming card.


Every swimmer swims a sleeper further
in the other, dark hemisphere. Each floating, each crawl stroke

increases a feeling of weightlessness in those who
nod off on the other side of the world. Someone must now say

that there are always far more sleepers than on the waking side
swimmers, so that it is only possible

if whoever boldly cleaves through water pulls with them
a gigantic imaginary bouquet of side-sleepers,

tummy-turners, back-liers. Somewhere then they must be received
with great consideration after presenting this fully stamped

swimming card.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère