Poetry International Poetry International

Ruth Lasters


I lifted my old lovers into the bath, I wanted at a
glance the thing, the one I had

loved, most or less, perhaps or certainly, unconditionally
or on condition. In a tub as long as a galleon

the synchronised
washing of each other’s back, each with a piece of soap

blue-veined, after which with shoulders
scrubbed open till they bled

they walked away. Except one, you, whom I
hooked myself behind, legs round trunk, to wait

together right through the other
for the unbearable cooling of the water.



Ik tilde mijn oude minnaars in bad, ik wilde in één
oogopslag wat, wie ik had

liefgehad, meest of minder, misschien of stellig, onvoorwaardelijk
of indien-als. In een kuip als een galjoenboot lang

het synchroon
wassen van elkaars rug, met elk een stuk zeep

blauwdooraderd, waarna zij met schouders
tot bloedens toe opengeschrobd

wegstapten. Behalve één, jij, waar ik me
benen rond romp achter haakte, om samen

dwars door de ander heen
het onverdraaglijk afkoelen van het water af te wachten.


I lifted my old lovers into the bath, I wanted at a
glance the thing, the one I had

loved, most or less, perhaps or certainly, unconditionally
or on condition. In a tub as long as a galleon

the synchronised
washing of each other’s back, each with a piece of soap

blue-veined, after which with shoulders
scrubbed open till they bled

they walked away. Except one, you, whom I
hooked myself behind, legs round trunk, to wait

together right through the other
for the unbearable cooling of the water.


I lifted my old lovers into the bath, I wanted at a
glance the thing, the one I had

loved, most or less, perhaps or certainly, unconditionally
or on condition. In a tub as long as a galleon

the synchronised
washing of each other’s back, each with a piece of soap

blue-veined, after which with shoulders
scrubbed open till they bled

they walked away. Except one, you, whom I
hooked myself behind, legs round trunk, to wait

together right through the other
for the unbearable cooling of the water.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère