Poetry International Poetry International

Aldo Nove


For there were roads to walk upon
and a sky to watch, that loomed

that poured, and the sun melted
on the ground, burst from the wild
plants, shrubs by the road

through the exhaust of lorries,
the sun forced its way. Inside a concave

of smaller voices, a myriad of colours,
more nebulous were 
those voices. 

I slid down into its grasp.
Those were the years.

Il sole

Il sole

Perche  c’erano strade su cui andare
e il cielo da guardare che incombeva
si rovesciava e il sole si scioglieva
al suolo, prorompeva dalle piante
incolte, arbusti prossimi all’asfalto
tra i gas dei camion si faceva largo
il sole. Dentro un concavo di voci
piú piccole, a miriadi di colori,
piú nuvole le voci
in un intreccio
ci scivolavo dentro
Erano gli anni.


For there were roads to walk upon
and a sky to watch, that loomed

that poured, and the sun melted
on the ground, burst from the wild
plants, shrubs by the road

through the exhaust of lorries,
the sun forced its way. Inside a concave

of smaller voices, a myriad of colours,
more nebulous were 
those voices. 

I slid down into its grasp.
Those were the years.


For there were roads to walk upon
and a sky to watch, that loomed

that poured, and the sun melted
on the ground, burst from the wild
plants, shrubs by the road

through the exhaust of lorries,
the sun forced its way. Inside a concave

of smaller voices, a myriad of colours,
more nebulous were 
those voices. 

I slid down into its grasp.
Those were the years.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère