Poetry International Poetry International

Dan Coman

Love Poem

all day it couldn’t get any better as all day
we are stuffed little men
and mara comes between clothing us combing us
gently palming our bottoms
mara comes and mounted on some plastic ducks
floats us out in coffee

all day it couldn’t get any better as all day
we are snow white with the seven dwarves
mara comes among us and
unscrews our hands
unscrews our feet and cleans off our stomachs
pulling out all the oakum and wool

all day it couldn’t get any better

only at night do we become full of flesh
only at night when mara finally sleeps

when we squeeze quickly under the blanket
and in silence slap against one another
like two chicken legs

Poem de dragoste

Poem de dragoste

peste zi e cum nu se poate mai bine căci peste zi
noi suntem omuleţii de pluş
şi vine mara-ntre noi şi ne îmbracă şi ne piaptănă
şi ne dă uşor cu palma la fund
vine mara şi călare pe nişte răţuşte de plastic
ne pune să plutim în cafea

peste zi e cum nu se poate mai bine căci peste zi
noi suntem albă ca zăpada şi cei şapte pitici
şi vine mara-ntre noi şi
ne deşurubează mîinile şi
ne deşurubează picioarele şi desfăcăndu-ne burţile
scoate toţi cîlţii şi toată vata din noi

peste zi e cum nu se poate mai bine

noi numai noaptea ne umplem de carne
numai noaptea cînd mara a adormit în sfîrşit

atunci ne strecurăm iute sub plapumă
şi în tăcere ne izbim unul de altul
ca două pulpe de pui

Love Poem

all day it couldn’t get any better as all day
we are stuffed little men
and mara comes between clothing us combing us
gently palming our bottoms
mara comes and mounted on some plastic ducks
floats us out in coffee

all day it couldn’t get any better as all day
we are snow white with the seven dwarves
mara comes among us and
unscrews our hands
unscrews our feet and cleans off our stomachs
pulling out all the oakum and wool

all day it couldn’t get any better

only at night do we become full of flesh
only at night when mara finally sleeps

when we squeeze quickly under the blanket
and in silence slap against one another
like two chicken legs

Love Poem

all day it couldn’t get any better as all day
we are stuffed little men
and mara comes between clothing us combing us
gently palming our bottoms
mara comes and mounted on some plastic ducks
floats us out in coffee

all day it couldn’t get any better as all day
we are snow white with the seven dwarves
mara comes among us and
unscrews our hands
unscrews our feet and cleans off our stomachs
pulling out all the oakum and wool

all day it couldn’t get any better

only at night do we become full of flesh
only at night when mara finally sleeps

when we squeeze quickly under the blanket
and in silence slap against one another
like two chicken legs
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère