Yanko González
the troublemaker
is feared. crazy for handbags. of lupita ferrer ubiquity. prepares consommé. snacks to go. overdoes her makeup shouting. overwhelms herself contemplating. overstates herself investigating. fails the socialite exam. but licks what she must lick. looks for a seat. worse: a social-climber to fear. her tones are high her heels are high. cries out over nothing interrupts for everything. elbows. cuts in line. pushes to the front. offers herself to organize to segregate to reappear to restructure to patronize.
give her power.
een onruststoker
van de ergste soort. gek op tassen. op de alomtegenwoordigheid van lupita ferrer. bereidt consommés. handtashapjes. maakt zich gillend overdreven dik op. is overbezorgd over haar planning. overlaadt zich met informatie. zakt voor het socialite-examen. maar likt wat ze likken moet. zoekt een loge. erger nog: is een streber van de ergste soort. op hoge toon op hoge hakken. schreeuwt om niks reageert op alles. gebruikt haar ellebogen. dringt voor. gaat niets uit de weg. biedt aan om te organiseren om te segregeren om te herrijzen om te herstructureren om te sponsoren.
geef haar macht.
una liante
de temer. loca de las carteras. de la ubicuidad lupita ferrer. prepara consomés. condumios de necessaire. se sobremaquilla gritando. se sobreafecta planteando. se sobresale informando. reprueba el examen de socialité. pero lame lo que tiene que lamer. busca palco. peor: es una trepa de temer. sus tonos son altos sus tacos son altos. vocea por nada irrumpe por todo. se codea. se cuela. se pone. se ofrece para organizar para segregar para reaparecer para reestructurar para patrocinar.
denle poder.
Publisher: Ediciones El Kultrún , Valdivia
the troublemaker
is feared. crazy for handbags. of lupita ferrer ubiquity. prepares consommé. snacks to go. overdoes her makeup shouting. overwhelms herself contemplating. overstates herself investigating. fails the socialite exam. but licks what she must lick. looks for a seat. worse: a social-climber to fear. her tones are high her heels are high. cries out over nothing interrupts for everything. elbows. cuts in line. pushes to the front. offers herself to organize to segregate to reappear to restructure to patronize.
give her power.
From: De Alto Volta
the troublemaker
is feared. crazy for handbags. of lupita ferrer ubiquity. prepares consommé. snacks to go. overdoes her makeup shouting. overwhelms herself contemplating. overstates herself investigating. fails the socialite exam. but licks what she must lick. looks for a seat. worse: a social-climber to fear. her tones are high her heels are high. cries out over nothing interrupts for everything. elbows. cuts in line. pushes to the front. offers herself to organize to segregate to reappear to restructure to patronize.
give her power.