Albert Bontridder
HOW CAN . . . ?
How does the form dare– safeguard of appearance –
with its mathematical jacket
of measure and rule,
to doubt and dismantle
in the name of the beginning
the silence of origin?
How may housing develop
without the walls of the house,
a floor, a roof,
a lexicon of limitation,
a language of coercion and detention?
How should the body
in movement and fulfilment
between reason and lunacy,
sense and lack of sense,
break through
the form-dominant,
labyrinthine space?
How will the labyrinth,
paragon of veiled freedom,
manage without dams,
walls, obstructions and bolts,
protect the resident
without compasses and try square,
establish and maintain,
preserve both thought and design
in the face of hindrance and limit?
How may we with courts and palaces,
churches, abattoirs and museums,
commemorate the sacrificial beast
– kings and sheep and criminals –
of which the blood was spilt?
How can we cover up
the nakedness of death?
How can housing
escape the threat,
the vulnerability of form?
© Translation: 2015, Willem Groenewegen
HOE KAN . . . ?
HOE KAN . . . ?
Hoe durft de vorm– waarborg van verschijning –
met zijn wiskundig jasje
van maat en regel,
betwijfelen en ontmantelen
in naam van het begin
de stilte van de oorsprong?
Hoe mag wonen zich ontplooien
zonder de muren van het huis,
een vloer, een dak,
een lexicon van begrenzing,
een taal van dwang en gevang?
Hoe moet het lichaam
in beweging en vervulling
tussen rede en waanzin,
zin en onzin,
de vormoverheersende,
labyrintische ruimte
Hoe zal het labyrint,
paragon van gesluierde vrijheid,
het stellen zonder dammen,
wanden, versperringen en grendels,
het verblijven vrijwaren
zonder passer en winkelhaak,
oprichten en instandhouden,
denken en ontwerpen bewaren
ondanks hinder en limiet?
Hoe mogen wij met pleinen en paleizen,
kerken, slachthuizen en musea,
de offerdieren herdenken
– koningen, schapen en criminelen –
waarvan het bloed vergoten werd?
Hoe kunnen wij toedekken
de naaktheid van de dood?
Hoe kan het wonen
ontsnappen aan de bedreiging,
aan de kwetsbaarheid van de vorm?
© 2012, Albert Bontridder
From: Wonen in de vloed
Publisher: Poëziecentrum, Gent
From: Wonen in de vloed
Publisher: Poëziecentrum, Gent
Poems of Albert Bontridder
HOW CAN . . . ?
How does the form dare– safeguard of appearance –
with its mathematical jacket
of measure and rule,
to doubt and dismantle
in the name of the beginning
the silence of origin?
How may housing develop
without the walls of the house,
a floor, a roof,
a lexicon of limitation,
a language of coercion and detention?
How should the body
in movement and fulfilment
between reason and lunacy,
sense and lack of sense,
break through
the form-dominant,
labyrinthine space?
How will the labyrinth,
paragon of veiled freedom,
manage without dams,
walls, obstructions and bolts,
protect the resident
without compasses and try square,
establish and maintain,
preserve both thought and design
in the face of hindrance and limit?
How may we with courts and palaces,
churches, abattoirs and museums,
commemorate the sacrificial beast
– kings and sheep and criminals –
of which the blood was spilt?
How can we cover up
the nakedness of death?
How can housing
escape the threat,
the vulnerability of form?
© 2015, Willem Groenewegen
From: Wonen in de vloed
From: Wonen in de vloed
HOW CAN . . . ?
How does the form dare– safeguard of appearance –
with its mathematical jacket
of measure and rule,
to doubt and dismantle
in the name of the beginning
the silence of origin?
How may housing develop
without the walls of the house,
a floor, a roof,
a lexicon of limitation,
a language of coercion and detention?
How should the body
in movement and fulfilment
between reason and lunacy,
sense and lack of sense,
break through
the form-dominant,
labyrinthine space?
How will the labyrinth,
paragon of veiled freedom,
manage without dams,
walls, obstructions and bolts,
protect the resident
without compasses and try square,
establish and maintain,
preserve both thought and design
in the face of hindrance and limit?
How may we with courts and palaces,
churches, abattoirs and museums,
commemorate the sacrificial beast
– kings and sheep and criminals –
of which the blood was spilt?
How can we cover up
the nakedness of death?
How can housing
escape the threat,
the vulnerability of form?
© 2015, Willem Groenewegen

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère