Poetry International Poetry International

Slavko Mihalic


He’s now the ruler of the country which once exiled him,
He’s not a king or the king’s minister, he just does
what he wants,
watching from the window the crowds of the deluded
roam the streets,
himself wise and handsome since he’s free of purpose.

Yes, now he’s like a child and also like a tomb.
At times, it seems to him, that beside two hands
he has wings.
But he won’t fly. He knows it’s enough to feel that, like the sea
which feels almighty and still doesn’t
go about rearranging the continents.

The greatest adventure is a flower in a glass of water.
With extraordinary energy he has concentrated all his
faith into it.
Now, deeply just, he leans over, waiting to wither,
serenely, the way ashes fall from a cigarette.


Hij is nu heerser in het land waaruit hij ooit
        werd verbannen.
Hij is geen koning, noch des konings minister; hij volvoert eenvoudig
        zijn eigen wil
uit het raam kijkend hoe de mensen verdwaasd
        over straat lopen
zelf wijs en schoon, want bevrijd van ieder doel

Ja, hij is nu als een kind; en als een
        grafmonument tegelijk.
Soms heeft hij de indruk dat hij behalve twee handen
        ook twee vleugels heeft.
Maar hij zal niet vliegen – hij weet: het is voldoende
        te voelen,
gelijk de zee die zich almachtig voelt, maar toch
        de ligging van de vastelanden niet verandert.

Het grootste avontuur is een bloem in een glas water;
met bovenmenselijke kracht heeft hij daarin
        al zijn geloof samengebracht
en nu, door en door rechtvaardig, achterover leunend, wacht hij
        tot ze zal verwelken,
rustig, zoals iemand de as van een sigaret tikt.


On je sada vladar u zemlji koja ga jednoć
Nije kralj, ni kraljev ministar; jednostavno, on
        vrši svoju volju
gledajući s prozora kako ljudi omamljeni
        idu ulicom,
mudar i lijep, jer se oslobodio svrhe.

Da, on je sada kao dijete; i kao nadgrobni
        spomenik istodobno.
Ponekad mu se čini da pored dviju ruka ima
        i dva krila.
Ali neće letjeti: on zna, dovoljno je
Kao more što se osjeća svemoćno, ipak
        ne mijenja raspored kopna.

Najveća pustolovina cvijet je u čaši vode;
nadzemaljskom snagom on je u njega utisnuo
        sve svoje vjerovanje
i sada duboko pravedan, naslonjen, čeka
        da uvene,
spokojno kako se otresa pepeo s cigarete.
Poems of Slavko Mihalic


He’s now the ruler of the country which once exiled him,
He’s not a king or the king’s minister, he just does
what he wants,
watching from the window the crowds of the deluded
roam the streets,
himself wise and handsome since he’s free of purpose.

Yes, now he’s like a child and also like a tomb.
At times, it seems to him, that beside two hands
he has wings.
But he won’t fly. He knows it’s enough to feel that, like the sea
which feels almighty and still doesn’t
go about rearranging the continents.

The greatest adventure is a flower in a glass of water.
With extraordinary energy he has concentrated all his
faith into it.
Now, deeply just, he leans over, waiting to wither,
serenely, the way ashes fall from a cigarette.


He’s now the ruler of the country which once exiled him,
He’s not a king or the king’s minister, he just does
what he wants,
watching from the window the crowds of the deluded
roam the streets,
himself wise and handsome since he’s free of purpose.

Yes, now he’s like a child and also like a tomb.
At times, it seems to him, that beside two hands
he has wings.
But he won’t fly. He knows it’s enough to feel that, like the sea
which feels almighty and still doesn’t
go about rearranging the continents.

The greatest adventure is a flower in a glass of water.
With extraordinary energy he has concentrated all his
faith into it.
Now, deeply just, he leans over, waiting to wither,
serenely, the way ashes fall from a cigarette.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère