Poetry International Poetry International

Anne Portugal


Va frère to reach the town initials roses
to your name paint lips on fair miller-maid
an index of you simply conditional
can’t condense this role give and take
opium motion process a producer’s log
and the matter would the very fairest be

porsche the neck rushing course in veins
improved saw the sun until stopped just in front
spent red volume radical reform discussed
thought a bit that all is residency instead
of grass it’s a pursing of the lips individuals
beautiful pointy dolphins going home.


Toi brother pour gagner la ville des roses initiales
à ton nom mets des lèvres à la belle meunière
indication de toi simplement conditionnelle
ne pouvant concentrer un tel rôle négocie
opium motion processus inconscient dossier
régisseur et le matériel serait le plus joli

passait dans les veines porsche pressa le cou
s’améliora vit ce soleil jusqu’à poser devant
épuisée rouge volume refondation conversa
pensa un peu que tout est résidence au lieu
d’herbe y’a en pinçant les lèvres individus
jolis dauphins pointus qui rentrent à la maison.


Va frère to reach the town initials roses
to your name paint lips on fair miller-maid
an index of you simply conditional
can’t condense this role give and take
opium motion process a producer’s log
and the matter would the very fairest be

porsche the neck rushing course in veins
improved saw the sun until stopped just in front
spent red volume radical reform discussed
thought a bit that all is residency instead
of grass it’s a pursing of the lips individuals
beautiful pointy dolphins going home.


Va frère to reach the town initials roses
to your name paint lips on fair miller-maid
an index of you simply conditional
can’t condense this role give and take
opium motion process a producer’s log
and the matter would the very fairest be

porsche the neck rushing course in veins
improved saw the sun until stopped just in front
spent red volume radical reform discussed
thought a bit that all is residency instead
of grass it’s a pursing of the lips individuals
beautiful pointy dolphins going home.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère