Poetry International Poetry International

Derry O’Sullivan


From up here you are a black world,

Countries, oceans all higgledy-piggledy,

Hieroglyphics for which we lack a pocket Rosetta Stone.
Pyramids, skyscrapers, cathedrals – where are they?
They are a bundle on a tiny black donkey

Grazing a boreen on a mathematical path!
At times a curtain of meteors is hung between us;

Then, we are terrified our satellite will be smashed

Under a shower of cosmic boulders free-falling through space!
Last year, as we circled Venus we sought you in vain
Until I spotted you crossing our screen:

A blip!



Uaidh seo domhan dubh thú,

Na tíortha, na haigéin ar fuaid fad a chéile
Iairiglifí gan chloch Rosetta phóca againn chucu
Pirimidí, ilstóraigh, ard eaglaisí – cá bhfuilid?
Burla iad ar asal beag dubh

Ag iníor feadh bóithrín conaire matamaiticiúla!
Uaireanta crochtar eadrainn cuirtín meitéar;
Ansin bíonn eagla orainn go scriosfaí ár saitilít
Faoin gcith phíosaí cosmais ar saorthitim trín spás!
Anuraidh, ar chúrsa timpeall Véinis lorgaíomar thu

Le fada in aisce go bhfaca thú ar preabadh trasna scáileáin:


From up here you are a black world,

Countries, oceans all higgledy-piggledy,

Hieroglyphics for which we lack a pocket Rosetta Stone.
Pyramids, skyscrapers, cathedrals – where are they?
They are a bundle on a tiny black donkey

Grazing a boreen on a mathematical path!
At times a curtain of meteors is hung between us;

Then, we are terrified our satellite will be smashed

Under a shower of cosmic boulders free-falling through space!
Last year, as we circled Venus we sought you in vain
Until I spotted you crossing our screen:

A blip!


From up here you are a black world,

Countries, oceans all higgledy-piggledy,

Hieroglyphics for which we lack a pocket Rosetta Stone.
Pyramids, skyscrapers, cathedrals – where are they?
They are a bundle on a tiny black donkey

Grazing a boreen on a mathematical path!
At times a curtain of meteors is hung between us;

Then, we are terrified our satellite will be smashed

Under a shower of cosmic boulders free-falling through space!
Last year, as we circled Venus we sought you in vain
Until I spotted you crossing our screen:

A blip!
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère