Poetry International Poetry International

Mae Yway


Aim & shoot, but at what?
Like one hand shuts the door on the other
Control from a brain bottle
Her childhishness, her style, her body structure
My knoweldge & vision, shall we swap?
Appetent? Shall we swap? Let’s swap.
Why ask, why live alone?  
Hold on a sec
Observing my friend carrying her child, with my eyes set
On her living room, this friend of mine is in a jailhouse  
I must postpone it for a year
I will ponder my next move ten years later
Over the ten years, I will buy an iPod, one more degree
Become a programmer, or an audio engineer, perhaps another notebook
Write poems, essays, visit Bangkok & Singapore once a month
Korean long rice salad, a living room lined with
Before I look preggo even after the delivery, before he turns
His back on the fattened tummy & widened hips in bed til death do us part
Before I represent a new family,
I will continue to represent myself, pa & ma over the next ten years
From time to time, perhaps,
One more individual won't make any difference.




Aim & shoot, but at what?
Like one hand shuts the door on the other
Control from a brain bottle
Her childhishness, her style, her body structure
My knoweldge & vision, shall we swap?
Appetent? Shall we swap? Let’s swap.
Why ask, why live alone?  
Hold on a sec
Observing my friend carrying her child, with my eyes set
On her living room, this friend of mine is in a jailhouse  
I must postpone it for a year
I will ponder my next move ten years later
Over the ten years, I will buy an iPod, one more degree
Become a programmer, or an audio engineer, perhaps another notebook
Write poems, essays, visit Bangkok & Singapore once a month
Korean long rice salad, a living room lined with
Before I look preggo even after the delivery, before he turns
His back on the fattened tummy & widened hips in bed til death do us part
Before I represent a new family,
I will continue to represent myself, pa & ma over the next ten years
From time to time, perhaps,
One more individual won't make any difference.


Aim & shoot, but at what?
Like one hand shuts the door on the other
Control from a brain bottle
Her childhishness, her style, her body structure
My knoweldge & vision, shall we swap?
Appetent? Shall we swap? Let’s swap.
Why ask, why live alone?  
Hold on a sec
Observing my friend carrying her child, with my eyes set
On her living room, this friend of mine is in a jailhouse  
I must postpone it for a year
I will ponder my next move ten years later
Over the ten years, I will buy an iPod, one more degree
Become a programmer, or an audio engineer, perhaps another notebook
Write poems, essays, visit Bangkok & Singapore once a month
Korean long rice salad, a living room lined with
Before I look preggo even after the delivery, before he turns
His back on the fattened tummy & widened hips in bed til death do us part
Before I represent a new family,
I will continue to represent myself, pa & ma over the next ten years
From time to time, perhaps,
One more individual won't make any difference.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère